How to Get a Thigh Gap Faster Naturally (4 Easy Workouts + Diet Plan)

Thigh gaps, safe to say, people have of opinions when it comes to itty bitty space between the inner thighs some people have when standing upright.

Everyone is obsessed with thigh gaps. Most women want thigh gaps because it makes them skinnier whatever that is to them. They can make them look good in skinny jeans, short skirts, and shorts –outfits that focus attention on the legs.

The thigh gap is the latest craze to hit the fitness, fashion and beauty industry. Men are attracted to women when they have an appealing thigh gap. The gap outlines the shape of the hot bits on a woman.

The Real Truth About Thigh Gap

Recent statistics show that 40 percent of women feel more confident when they have a cute looking thigh gap. They feel they look fat when they don’t have a thigh gap.

If you don’t have a thigh gap, you are probably aren’t happy, popular or attractive in the least. There is nothing wrong with having a thigh gap. So people make it a point to achieve this.

If you have decided to make getting a thigh gap as one of your goals, there are some healthy choices and lifestyle changes you can make to achieve this milestone.

how to get a thigh gap

Although shredding fat with proper diet and exercise schedule is the best way to get that luscious thigh gap, some exercise will target the inner thigh help tone the muscles and widen the gap.

Avoid exercises that bulk your legs like squats, legs curls and calf raises. Although these are good exercises for toning your back fat and muffin top, they are not suitable when it comes to thigh gap toning.

Workouts to Get a Thigh Gap Fast

There are some specific exercises that you can do to help maximize muscle activating resulting in more strength and increased muscle tone overall.

1. Side-lying Adduction Exercises

Strengthening the abductors and adductors will obviously help you to tone your thigh muscles thereby providing a good thigh gap between your legs.

Doing this adduction exercises will make the adductors contract. They adduct the hip, pulling the thighs towards each other.

thigh gap workouts

How to do it?

  • For this workout lie down to your sides and move your leg in circles.
  • Repeat this exercise for 5 to 10 minutes and turn and to the other side and repeat the same for another ten minutes.
  • This side-lying adduction exercise is found effective in toning your thigh gap.

2. Gate Swings

Feel proud showing off your thighs with this five-minute workout. It is one of the best home exercises to tone your inner thigh gap.

This deep inner thigh stretch tones your glutes, quads, both your outer and inner thighs and also gets your heart rate up.


How to do this workout?

  • You need to do this work out in the standing position.
  • Spread your legs wide apart with toes on to your sides.
  • Then sit in a squat position pushing your butt to your back nicely. Hold your thighs with your palms for balance.
  • Then swing your body back and forth. Repeat the exercise for 20 to 30 times.
  • This move is a great warmup because it activates your core and stabilizing muscles besides targeting specifically on your inner thighs.

3. Slide Side Lunge for Lean Thigh Gap

Side lunges work great for legs and glutes, however, slide side lunges is the best form of workout for your inner thighs.

thigh gap workouts

How to do it?

This exercise is also done in the standing position.

  • Stand straight with feet together.
  • Place your hands on to your hips.
  • First, place your left foot apart and push your lunge to the sides in a circular motion.
  • While doing this work out your left knee will be in the bent position and not stubborn.
  • Ensure that you put the complete weight on one leg during every movement.
  • Now alternate the leg and do it on the other side.
  • Try to make at least 10 reps on each leg.

4. Ball Squeeze for Toning Your Inner Thighs

This is a simple exercise to target more specific on your inner thigh toning and to get a complete inner and outer thigh gap.

how to get a thigh gap

How to do it?

For this workout, you need a ball. You are going to take the ball and place it between your thighs and squeeze. This workout is to target the inner thigh area which is very hard. So it must be targeted with proper exercises for good.

  • Keep the balls in between your knees and try to drive your knees together.
  • You will be squeezing the ball from the inner thigh area and slowly release the tension from the ball.
  • Squeeze together to inner thigh area and release. This will keep tension in your thighs so don’t take the ball right away.
  • Slowly reduce the speed of the exercise and then remove the ball.
  • Do this exercise for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Follow Proper Diet Plan

Although exercise contributes a lot in toning the inner thigh gap, however, it cannot be achieved without having a proper diet plan. Perhaps the diet plays a crucial role in achieving this landmark challenge.

1. Count Your Calories

When you are oriented towards improving your thigh gap and toning of your inner thigh, it implies that you need to shred your extra flesh in those areas. Perhaps you need to lose weight.

Unless you know how much you are consuming, you cannot reduce your pounds. So count your calories in your food and start reducing depending on your goal

2. Its Time to Cut Your Carbs

High carb food is the major contributing factor for weight gain. It is not necessary that you need to cut down carbs completely but cut down the high carbs that you are intake in your diet.

3. Eat a Lot of Small Meals

When you are aiming to reduce pounds, one of the best suggestion is to split meals into intervals instead of munching a whole at a time.


Thigh gaps, safe to say, people have of opinions when it comes to itty bitty space between the inner thighs some people have when standing upright.

If you are a pear-shaped woman and want to reshape to slim appealing thighs, start following a regular workout regime with a controlled diet.

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