30 Day Transformation – Morning Workout for the Perfect Body

Do not think that you need tons of hours and equipment to do workout to reduce your body weight. You just need to spend a few minutes to get a slim body.

You can make sure that you get a healthier body by following these small and simple yet crunching exercises every day. Take it as a challenge and perform these 30 poses to shape up your body.

The day-wise exercises for 30 days are provided below:

Day 1 – Wide grip pushup

Day 2 – Surrender squat

Day 3 – Superman lateral raise

Day 4 – Single leg V – up

Day 5 – Switch jump

Day 6 – Forearm crossover push-ups

Day 7 – Lunge kicks

Day 8 – Bent over reverse fly

Day 9 – Flutter kick

Day 10 – Squat jump punch

Day 11 – Single arm push up

Day 12 – Isometric squat

Day 13 – Reverse plank up

Day 14 – Side plank with a twist

Day 15 – Burpee

Day 16 – Triceps push-ups

Day 17 – Around the world lunge

Day 18 – Air pull up

Day 19 – Body saw

Day 20 – Run and sprawl

Day 21 – Push up press

Day 22 – Goddess squat jump

Day 23 – Plank bird dog

Day 24 – Side to side crunch

Day 25 – Surfies

Day 26 – Crouching tiger pushup

Day 27 – Side lunge to tuck jump

Day 28 – Good morning

Day 29 – Forearm spider plank

Day 30 – Single leg burpee

These workouts are a type of HIIT workout and you can burn a lot of calories with this. You can do these at least for 4 days in a week. Each exercise targets each of your body muscles such as legs, back, arms, shoulders, abs, etc.

You can do a 4 minute routine of these moves. Do 30 seconds of these moves and have 30 seconds of rest. This makes up a minute. So you can do 4 repetitions of this routine.

1. Wide Grip Pushups

  • Start with your body balanced by your palms and feet.
  • Keep your feet at the distance of your hips and your arms wider than your shoulders.
  • Lower yourself by bending the elbows and push back upwards.

2. Surrender squats

  • Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and keep your palms at the back of your head.
  • Lower into a squat so that your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  • Now keep your right knee on the floor followed by your left knee.
  • Again take your right knee off the floor followed by left knee thus coming back to the starting position.

3. Superman with lateral raise

  • Lie over the mat with your stomach.
  • Stretch your legs behind and arms in front of you so that you balance your body with your stomach.
  • Now bring bend your elbow to bring it near your hips. Stretch it again to reach the starting position. Repeat.

4. Single leg V-up


  • Lie on your back with your arms stretched over your head.
  • Raise your upper body and your right leg and reach your arms to your toes.
  • Come back to the starting position.
  • Do the same with your left leg. Repeat.

5. Switch jump

  • Lie on a palm plank.
  • Bring your right foot to the outer side of the right hand.
  • Jump, switch the right foot with your left foot.

6. Forearm crossover push-ups

  • Stand in a palm plank.
  • Your palms must face in the opposite directions and should be crossed.
  • Lower your body so that your forearm reaches the ground.
  • Come back to the starting position.

7. Lunge kicks

  • Lower your right knee to the floor and bend your left knee to make 90 degrees.
  • Bend your right arm in front of you and left arm behind you.
  • Stand up and kick your right leg.
  • Switch the arms while you do it.

8. Bent over reverse fly

  • Bend your torso in front with your hands bent and raised to chest level at your sides.
  • Come straight and bring your hands behind you squeezing your back.

9. Flutter kicks

  • Lie over the mat and keep your palms behind your head.
  • Raise one of your legs to make 90 degrees with the ground.
  • Raise the other leg just a few inches from the ground.
  • Change legs and repeat.

10. Squat jump punch

  • Jump up high by stretching your hands behind you.
  • Do this 5 times.
  • Now do a right cross (pivoting your right leg and punching with your right hand)
  • Then do a left jab (Punch with your left hand)
  • Repeat this for 30 seconds.

11. Single-arm push-up

  • Stand facing a wall by keeping your left palm on it.
  • Keep your right palm behind your back.
  • Do a push up by bending your elbow and raising your heel.
  • Come back to the starting position and change the sides.

12. Isometric squat

  • Make a proper squat and clasp your hands in front of you.
  • Stretch your left leg to your side and bring it back.
  • Repeat it with your right leg.

13. Reverse plank up

  • Lie with your face facing the ceiling.
  • Push your body upwards and balance your body with your palms behind your back and your heels.
  • Lower your body and repeat.

14. Side plank with a twist

  • Do a side plank with your left palm on the floor.
  • Your feet must be one behind the other.
  • Keep your right palm behind your ears.
  • Twist your body and bring your right elbow to meet your left hand.
  • Repeat it with the other side.

15. Burpee

  • Crouch down on the floor from the standing position and jump to a plank.
  • Do some pushups.
  • Jump again and come back to the second position.
  • Jump up high releasing yourself. Repeat.

16. Triceps push-ups

  • Balance your body over your palms and toes and keep your body straight.
  • Keep your hands in such a way that your elbows are pointed towards your back.
  • Lower your body and raise it in a push-up motion.

17. Around the world lunge

  • Bend your left leg to be parallel to the floor.
  • Bend your right toes at the back into a lunge.
  • Bring it back to form a wide sumo squat.
  • Now pivot on your right foot, bend your left foot back to form a lunge.
  • Come back to the sumo squat. Repeat.

18. Air pull up

  • Stand straight with good posture.
  • Stretch your arms up above your head.
  • Bring it forcefully at your sides by bending the elbows.
  • Take it back up and repeat.

19. Body saw

  • Start with a plan on your arms with palms facing the ceiling.
  • Keep your toes on the slide disc.
  • Now, move your shoulders back so that your biceps make 60 degrees with the floor.
  • Come back to the starting position and repeat.

20. Run and Sprawl

  • Run at your standing position for a few seconds.
  • Jump and come down to your feet and palms.
  • Come to a push-up position and put your full body on the ground.
  • Stand up in a fast motion and do the running. Repeat.

21. Pushup press

  • Be in a plank position and do a single pushup.
  • Now raise your body and rest on your knees.
  • Push your arms up above your head and push it upwards.

22. Goddess squat jump

  • Sit in a squat so that your butt reaches the floor.
  • Keep your hands stretched and clasped in front of you.
  • Give yourself a jump and jump high.
  • Land in the squat position. Repeat.

23. Plank bird dog

  • Stand in a palm -plank pose.
  • Now lift the right hand and left leg so that they come in line with your body.
  • Lower them and lift the alternating leg and hand.

24. Side to side crunch

  • Sit with your butt on the floor and legs lifted chest height int front of you.
  • Balance yourself by keeping your hands at the back.
  • Twist your waist in both your sides.

25. Surfies

  • Come down to a crouching position from the standing position.
  • Jump and stretch your feet to a plank position.
  • Lower your whole body on the floor.
  • Crouch again and stand half-up with your right foot forward and your body balance.
  • Now jump up high by bringing your knees towards your chest and hands over your knees.

26. Crouching tiger push up

  • Be in a plank position and do one push up.
  • Now extend your elbows and waist to form a downward dog position.
  • Roll and come back to a plank position. Repeat.

27. Side lunge to tuck jump

  • Stand straight. Turn to your right side and keep your right leg in a lunge.
  • Now jump and tuck your knees towards your chest.
  • Land softly, repeat with switched sides.

28. Good morning

  • Stand straight, keep your hands behind your head.
  • Lower your upper body to make it parallel to the ground.
  • Come back to the starting position and repeat.

29. Forearm spider plank

  • Start in a plank.
  • Bend the right knee towards your triceps.
  • Bring it to the starting position.
  • Repeat with the other side.

30. Single leg burpee

  • Start with a squat.
  • Bring your palms to the floor
  • Now jump and bend your left foot behind your while the right foot is still on the floor.
  • Jump and bring the leg to the starting position.
  • Repeat with the same leg for 30 seconds.
  • Switch legs and repeat.

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