Common Cold is one of the most common medical conditions that make you suffer a lot. Even though cold is not harmful, it makes you feel uncomfortable with its symptoms such as a sore throat, cough, congestion, runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes and fever.
Common Cold is not a serious problem and there is no need to worry about it. According to National Institute of Health, you will be recovered from it in 7 to 10 days without any treatment.
But home remedies and treatments may help you recover faster.
Here I give you the home remedies to recover from the common cold and sore throat. Remedies are classified in the following three categories.
- Life Style Changes
- Nutrition and Dietary Supplements
- Alternative Medicines
Life Style Changes
Steaming is Essential
Drink plenty of fluids
Take Rest and Sleep well
Gargle to moisten your sore throat
Blow your Nose Regularly
Warm Bath
Drink hot liquids
Saline Nasal Irrigation
Camphor, Eucalyptus and Mentholated Salve
Vapor rub
Try an additional Pillow under Your Head
Quit Smoking
Nutrition and Dietary Supplements
Do you know that Chicken Soup can help you out?
Thirikadugu Churna Potion
Ginger or Ginger Tea
Red Onion
Spice Tea
Mullein Tea
American Ginseng Root
Green Tea
Chili peppers
Country Borage or Oregano
Alternative medicines
1. Steaming is Essential
Steaming is the best home remedy for Common Cold. Steaming loosens up your Stuffy nose, especially if the mucus becomes thick. You can get a faster relief from the congested nose and the blocked chest.
Professor Steve Field, Chief Inspector of General Practice (England) says that “The best way to reduce this inflammation is to keep the nasal passages clear. Steam is wonderful at achieving this.”
According to the North American Journal of Medical Sciences[1], hydrotherapy helps to relieve from cold and to reduce body pain.
Further, Professor Ron Eccles of Cardiff University published a research article in the Rhinology Journal[2], proved that Steaming provides relief for most symptoms of common cold.
How to do steaming?
- Take 1 Liter of water in a large bowl.
- Add 8 drops of Eucalyptus oil in it.
- Then boil this mixture. Once the water boils, it is ready for steaming.
- Just inhale the steam coming from the boiled water.
- Deep breathing gives you better results.
- Don’t go very closer to boiled water, it may hurt you.
- Drape a cloth over your head to trap all the steam coming from boiled water.
- Have a small cloth to blow your nose during this process.
- Inhale the steam for at least 10 minutes (Take small breaks if you become too warm).
- Repeat this procedure 2-3 times per day.
- For better results you continue this process for three days.
- You can also use tea tree oil or peppermint oil or Olbas oil instead of eucalyptus oil.
2. Drink plenty of fluids
Fever accompanied by Common Cold may cause you to sweat and reduce the fluid content in your body. This causes dehydration. Drink plenty of liquid to avoid dehydration. Fluids can make your throat moist and thin your mucus. So that you can relieve from a sore throat and dry eyes.
The American Lung Association suggest drinking at least 8 glasses (250 ml each) of water daily to feel better during these days.
What kind of liquid foods that you can take?
- Warm Water
- Fresh juices
- Warm Lemon water
- Herbal Tea
- Ginger Tea
- Broth
- Ginger ale
- Chicken Soup
- Sports Drinks
Note: You should avoid drinks that contain alcohol or caffeine. Because these can cause dehydration.
3. Do you know that Chicken Soup can help you out?
A study published in the Chest journal[3], by Barbara et al, proved that chicken soup can help you get rid of cold.
Also, this research work shows that chicken soup could kill viruses that cause common cold and prevent the growth of new viruses.
Chicken soup has many vitamins and nutrients that help to relieve cold in three ways.
- The high antioxidant properties present in Chicken Soup speeds up the movement of mucus and help you with breathing.
- It boosts up your immunity and restores your lost strength.
- It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and prevents inflammation in your body.
Probably you might have a question of the procedure to make a chicken Soup?
I suggest you try this Chicken soup recipe to get instant relief from the common cold.
4. Thirikadugu Churna Potion
This is one of the oldest known methods to cure a cold at home. As per Ayurveda medicine, Thirikadugu is the combination of three Indian herbs such as dry Ginger, long pepper, and black pepper in a powdered form. This combination is good for most of the diseases in the world.
The prominent British doctor and botanist Sir George Watt explained about the various health benefits of thirikadugu choorna in his book “In a dictionary of the economic products of India”[4].
These three herbs are very hot, pungent and have anti-viral properties. So its intake gives you faster relief.
Now let’s see how to make this potion!!!
- 50 gram of powdered Dry Ginger.
- 50 gram of powdered Black pepper.
- 50 gram of powdered Long Ginger.
- 50 gram of powdered Coriander.
- Mix all the ingredients in equal proportions to make a mixture.
- Take a cup of water (250 ml) in a bowl.
- Add 1 table spoon of the prepared mixture into it.
- Add Jaggery or Honey for taste (optional).
- Boil it for 10 minutes.
- Then filter it. Now the potion is ready.
- Drink this potion twice a day.
5. Take Rest and Sleep well
- It is important to take rest when you have a cold. It helps your body to get energy and strength back as soon as possible.
- Studies published in The New England journal of medicine[5], proved that stress may make you more susceptible to catching a cold.
- You can optionally stay away from your work. It can probably prevent your colleagues to get infected.
- You can feel more comfortable if you stay at home. Get help from your partner or others to assist in household works.
- It is good to skip your regular exercise routine. Since small exercises can make you tired during this time.
- While you stay at home, cover yourself with a blanket especially when you have the fever. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks.
- A good sleep can help you a lot in the healing process. Your body won’t repair itself when you are awake. But while sleeping, your immune system works efficiently. All you need to do is sleep well to allow your immune system to fight cold causing viruses.
- Try to follow the regular sleeping pattern. Avoid irregular sleeping times.
- Sleeping under a blanket makes you stay warm so that you can help your immune system to fight with cold more efficiently.
- Sleep with an additional pillow. This will help your nasal passages to stay open So that you can breathe easily.
6. Gargle to moisten your sore throat
Gargling is one of the best methods to moisten your sore throat. According to the American Journal of Preventative Medicine[6], gargling with saline water can help to ease your sore throat and nasal congestion. Further gargling can prevent upper respiratory infections.
Gargling with saline water loosens and reduces your mucus. Usually, salt is used for gargling.
But note that gargling can provide you temporary relief only. So do gargle 4-6 times a day to get better results.
Take a cup of warm water (250 ml) and mix 1 table spoon of salt with it. Stir it well and do gargle.
But salt gargling can cause irritation in your throat. So you can go for the following astringent gargle methods too.
- Gargle with tea instead of salt water.
- Take 250 ml of warm water and add a teaspoon of honey. Pour 1 cup of Apple Cider vinegar in it. Stir it well and gargle.
- Take a cup of warm water. Soak a tablespoon of raspberry leaves in it. Add a tea spoon of honey. Mix it and do gargle.
- You can also add a teaspoon of honey in a cup of lemon juice and gargle it.
- Take a cup of water. Add 3 table spoon of sage leaves and a table spoon of salt in it. Then boil it. After boiling, pour a cup of apple cider vinegar in it. Stir it well and gargle it.
7. Blow your Nose Regularly
When you have a common cold, it is important to blow your nose frequently. Don’t sniff the mucus back to your head. Sniffing makes your mucus stay in your body so that you cannot get faster relief.
But don’t blow hard. If you blow hard, due to pressure the mucus can enter into your ear passages, which can lead to an infection called earache.
How to blow your nose properly?
- Press a finger over your one nostril and close it.
- Gently blow your another nostril to clear mucus.
- Now repeat this for both nostrils.
Note: Wash your hands after blowing your nose.
8. Ginger or Ginger Tea
Ginger has been used for centuries to treat the common cold. Ginger has the anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. So it is very helpful in treating cold.
Evidence [7], proved that Ginger contains a chemical called Sesquiterpenes, which effectively fight against Rhinovirus (common cold causing virus).
As per the Ayurveda and the recent research study[8], ginger can boost up your immune system and effectively fight against human respiratory Syncytial virus.
Ginger contains a substance called Gingerol, which as a cough suppressant.
You can eat fresh ginger slices or dry ginger or drink a cup of ginger tea.
How to make fresh Ginger tea?
- 50 gram of fresh ginger
- Honey
- Water
- Bowl
- Pour 250 ml of water in the bowl.
- Grind the fresh ginger and obtain extract the juice. And add this ginger juice into the bowl.
- Now boil this mixture for 5 minutes.
- Add 2 tea spoons of honey in it
- Drink the hot and tasty ginger tea 2 times a day.
Note: Don’t drink this ginger tea in empty stomach.
9. Warm Bath
Warm baths can reduce fever and cold symptoms.
- Mix 2-3 table spoons of Epsom salt with your warm bath water.
- Take a relaxing bath.
- That’s it! Epsom salt regulates enzymes in your body and relieves body pain in few hours.
- Also, you can mix 1 table spoon of Epsom salt and 1 table spoon of baking soda in your warm bath water.
- You can also add few drops of any essential oil in warm water for faster relief.
Recommended essential oils are eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, thyme, tea tree, orange, juniper, peppermint or Olbas.
10. Red Onion
Due to the congestion-relieving properties of Onion, it is widely used as a cold remedy from olden days.
The World Health Organization[9], (WHO) confirms that the Onion has the ability to cure coughs, bronchitis, respiratory infections, and congestion.
Onions are rich in sulfuric compounds and quercetin (a flavonoid high in antioxidants).
Research studies [10], shows that the sulfuric compounds act as a natural immune booster for general disease prevention.
A recent research study [11], from the British Journal of Nutrition, proved that individuals who consumed foods that are rich in quercetin have better immune responses than others.
The Delmar’s Integrative Herb Guide[12], also proved that Onions have the ability to clear mucous from your body.
Recipe 1 : Onion Soup
This is the tastiest and Healthy Recipe of all time.
- 3 Red Onions
- 1/4 cup finely chopped oregano
- 4 cloves of garlic
- Purified water
- Himalayan salt to taste
- Boil 2 cups of purified water.
- Add the chopped onions and garlic into it
- Let it simmer for 10-15 minutes.
- Add a pinch of Himalayan salt.
- Drink slowly while it is hot.
Recipe 2 : Red onion syrup
This syrup is easy to make and it will boost up your immunity instantly. For better results drink this syrup several times a day.
- 3 Red Onions
- Honey
- Bowl
- Peel the onions
- Horizontally cut the onions to make slices
- Place the onion slices in a bowl
- Pour honey over them.
- Now close the bowl and keep it in a refrigerator for 10 hours and allow the onion slices to soak in honey.
- Then open the bowl and drink that syrup several times a day.
11. Echinacea
Echinacea can fight against cold and respiratory illness. Scientists discovered totally 9 varieties of Echinacea and the most common variety used for health purposes is Echinacea purpurea.[13].
Echinacea has the anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. So it can effectively stimulate your immune system[14].
The older studies published in Journals such as Clinical Therapeutics [15] and The Lancet Infectious Diseases [16] proved that Echinacea can effectively prevent the common cold.
A recent clinical study [17] conducted at Common Cold Centre and Healthcare, Cardiff University proved that long-term treatment of Echinacea can help in reducing cold.
During cold and flu season, take 20 to 30 drops of Echinacea tincture in half-cup of water three times daily.
Depending on the form of Echinacea, take it three times a day:
- Stabilized fresh Echinacea extract: 0.75 ml (15 to 23 drops)
- Tea made from dried Echinacea root: 1 to 2 grams
- Powered Echinacea extract (with 4 percent phenolics): 300 milligrams
- Standardized tincture extract: 2 to 3 millilitres (ml)
- Tincture (concentrated form — use a 1:5 dilution): 1 to 3 ml (20 to 90 drops)
Source: Everydayhealth
Note: Consult your doctor before using Echinacea. Avoid Echinacea if you have an autoimmune disorder or tuberculosis or diabetes or arthritis or progressive systemic disease or if you are taking immunosuppressant.
12. Garlic
Garlic is an edible herb that is very helpful in getting rid of common cold. It has antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral properties. Also, garlic can boost up your immune system and relieve you from respiratory infections.
A study published in the Clinical Nutrition Journal[18], shows that garlic can enhance the immune system and reduce the severity of the common cold.
Another study published in the Advances in Therapy[19], proved that Garlic contains the compound allicin, which helps in preventing the common cold.
- It is recommended to take ample garlic in the diet during the cold season.
- Eat raw garlic several times a day.
- Mix 3 crushed garlic cloves, a tea spoon honey and 2 teaspoon lemon juice and ¼ spoon red chili powder and ¼ spoon black pepper. Eat this mixture 3 times a day.
- Place 4 cloves of garlic in a bowl. Pour a cup of water in it. Then boil it for 5 minutes. Add a tea spoon of honey. Drink 2 times a day.
13. Spice Tea
Spice tea is a useful Ayurvedic remedy to treat the common cold.
- 50 gram of Dry ginger
- 4 table spoons of Coriander seeds
- 1 table spoon of Fenugreek seeds
- 1/2 table spoon of Fennel seeds
- 2 table spoons of Cumin seeds
- Water
- Honey
- Milk
- Roast the Coriander, Cumin, Fenugreek and Fennel seeds.
- Now grind all the roasted seeds with dry ginger and store it in a cup.
- Take 250 ml of water.
- Pour 2 table spoons of prepared mixture powder in it.
- Boil this mixture for 5 minutes.
- Then filter it and add 2 tea spoons of honey.
- Add milk to taste. (Optional)
- Stir it well and taste the hot spice tea.
14. Mullein Tea
Mullein is a biennial plant. It is used to treat coughs, asthma, tuberculosis and other respiratory problems. Mullein contains a sugar molecule called mucilage that loosen mucus and soothes the throat. The tea made from the Mullein leaves is a popular folk remedy to cure respiratory infections.
Evidence from the Journal of Ethno pharmacology[20] and Phytotherapy Research [21] also state that mullein can fight against a cough and keep away cold.
- 6 fresh or dry mullein leaves or 2 tea spoons of dried mullein powder
- 1 teaspoon dried mullein flowers
- Water
- Honey
- Take 250 ml of water.
- Pour the mullein leaves or 2 tea spoons of dried mullein powder in it.
- Now add 1 teaspoon dried mullein flowers into it.
- Boil the water for 5 minutes.
- Then filter it (Mullein leaves have fine hairs that can cause irritation. So filter the tea to remove hairs)
- Add 2 tea spoons of honey.
- Cover and steep for 15 minutes.
- Drink this tea 2 times a day.
- Don’t consume mullein seeds, as they are mildly toxic!
- If you have very sensitive skin, then use cloves while preparing mullein tea.
15. Zinc
Your body uses zinc to boost up your immune system functionality. Zinc is important for your eyes, cell growth, tissue repair, and healing wounds.
Research papers published by Prasad et al [22] and Mossad et al [23] in Annals of Internal Medicine shows that zinc can reduce the cold symptoms and cough. But care should be taken while using it. Excess zinc intake may weaken your immune system.
A recent study published in the Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews [24], also proved that Zinc reduces the severity and duration of the common cold.
Zinc can be found naturally in the following foods.
- Shellfish
- Oysters
- Crab
- Egg
- Pork
- Beef
- Red meats
- Lobster
- Turkey
- Spinach
- Fortified breakfast cereals
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Squash Seeds
- Sesame Seeds
- Cashew Nuts
- Toasted Wheat Germ
- Oatmeal
- Mushrooms
- Beans
- Chickpeas
- Almonds
- Peanuts
- Egg Yolks
- Brown Rice
- Salmon
- Cocoa and Chocolate
- Cheese
- Milk
You can also take zinc lozenge 15 to 25 mg of zinc once per day. But the recommended method is to take the above foods that contain zinc naturally.
16. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is essential for cell growth, cell repair, and faster healing. It is one of the famous counter cold remedies. The major benefit with vitamin C is that it does not cause any harm to you.
Some evidence published by Hemila[25], Gorton et al [26] and Sasazuki et al [27] proved that longer intake of vitamin C can reduce the occurrences of the common cold.
Even though vitamin C does not prevent cold, it can help boost your immune system and reduce the severity of cold symptoms.
The table below shows the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) [28], for vitamin C per day.
Foods that are rich in Vitamin C
- Cantaloupe
- Grapefruit
- Orange
- Mango
- Guava
- Kiwi fruit
- Watermelon
- Papaya
- Pineapple
- Blueberries
- Strawberries
- Cranberries
- Raspberries
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Brussels sprouts
- Green and red peppers
- Cabbage
- Spinach
- Winter squash
- Turnip greens
- Tomatoes
- White and Sweet potatoes
17. Drink hot liquids
If you are so congested you cannot sleep well. So drink hot liquids to soothe your throat and relieve congestion.
Professor Eccles, director of the Common Cold Research Centre in the School of Biological Sciences at Cardiff University, says that “Hot drinks work wonders”.
In his research work[29], he stated that hot drinks provide instant relief for common cold symptoms such as a cough, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, tiredness, and chillness.
I suggest you to consume the following hot drinks to relieve congestion.
- Warm Water
- Hot Toddy
- Hot water with honey
- Ginger with fresh lemon Tea
- Black Tea with Lemon
- Chicken soup
- Ginger ale
- Broth
- Herbal or Green Tea
- Northern African Mint tea
18. Saline Nasal Irrigation
As per the Ayurvedic medicine, the Neti pot is used to treat the nasal congestion, sinusitis and rhinitis (Runny or stuffy nose, sinus swelling, etc). Neti is a Sanskrit word means “nasal cleansing.”
87% of doctors [30], recommend that neti pot is an effective remedy for upper respiratory conditions. It removes mucus effectively. The Cochrane review [31], also supported the saline nasal irrigation for treating chronic rhino sinusitis.
It is a traditional yoga technique where you closeone of your nostril, pour the salt water solution into the other nostril and allow it to run out of the mouth.
This process can reduce inflammation of mucus membranes and clear the sinuses. So it helps prevent colds and treat their symptoms. Also, Nasal irrigation provides short-term relief only.
Note: It is recommended to do nasal irrigation one or two times per day. Don’t overdo it.
How to perform Nasal Irrigation?
- A container (Neti pot or bulb syringe or saline spray bottle)
- Non-Iodized salt
- Baking soda
- Water (Use distilled or sterile or previously boiled and cooled water)
- Add a ½ tea spoon of salt in the container.
- Then add a pinch of backing soda in it.
- Pour 1 cup of water in it and shake well. Now the saline water is ready for irrigation.
- Tilt your head about a 45-degree angle. So that one nostril is pointed down toward the ground.
- Place the spout of a container just inside your upper nostril.
- Keeping your mouth open and tilt the container to pour the water into your upper nostril.
- Make sure to Breathe through your mouth and not by your nose.
- The saline water will run through your nasal passages and drain out of your lower nostril and possibly by your mouth.
- Gently blow your nose into a tissue. Then, repeat the process in the other nostril.
19. Honey
Honey also known as liquid gold has a long medicinal history. It is one of the best medicines for most kind of diseases. It has the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and acts as a natural cough suppressant.
Note: Never Give Honey to children those who are under a year old.
According to a study in the Journal of American Pediatrics[32], consuming two teaspoons of honey before a bed time will reduce the severity of a cough in children (1-5 years). In addition, they can sleep tight without the respiratory illness.
Another research[33], shows that honey can reduce the duration of cold by two days.
- Simply swallow 2 teaspoons of raw honey frequently.
- Mix 5 teaspoons of honey with warm water and gargle it.
- Drink a mixture of 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of honey, every three hours.
- Honey cough syrup: Mix 1/4 cup honey and 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar together. Pour the mixture into a container and seal it. Shake well before using. Take 2 tablespoons every three hours.
20. Cinnamon
The Chinese traditional medicine recommends Cinnamon for coughs. It has the anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties.
“Cinnamon is effective for curing a cold and flu, ” says D. Bruce Barrett in The Guardian[34].
Cinnamon improves the oxygen levels in the blood to fight illness. It can soothe your throat and give you relief from congestion and cough.
How to do Cinnamon stick Tea?
- Cinnamon powder
- Cloves
- Honey
- Water
- Bowl
- Take a cup of water.
- Add 1 tea spoon of cinnamon powder in it.
- Then add 2 cloves in it.
- Now boil this mixture for 10 minutes
- Add 3 tea spoons of honey
- Drink this tea two times per day
21. American Ginseng Root
The study [35], conducted by Canadian researchers’ shows that the North American ginseng is helpful in treating cold and reducing its severity. Further, Ginseng improves stamina and stress resistance.
According to the study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, individuals who consumed 200 mg ginseng capsules twice a day had significantly fewer colds and less severe symptoms than others.
According to the NIH, American ginseng is “possibly effective” for treating colds and flu symptoms. Siberian ginseng also yields good results in treating cold.
American ginseng is available in powders, fresh or dried roots, water, alcohol liquid extracts, capsules, and tablets.
Note: Ginseng is recommended only for adults and it is not safe for children.
22. Green Tea
Green Tea is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants that have powerful effects on your body.
Green tea also shows a significant effect in curing a common cold. As per the research published in the Journal of the American college of Nutrition[36], Green tea is helpful in preventing common cold and flu. It is simple to make.
- 1 tablespoon green tea powder or Green leaves
- Basil leaves ( 4-5 leaves)
- 1 cup of water
- lemon
- Honey
- Take 250 ml of water.
- Pour the Green leaves or 1 tea spoon of dried Green tea powder in it.
- Boil the water for 5-10 minutes.
- Then filter it.
- Add 2 tea spoons of honey and few drops of lemon juice.
- Then stir it well.
- Drink this tea 2 times a day.
23. Lemon
Lemon has many natural properties and effectively fights against cold causing germs.
As per the study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology[37], lemon has the ability to inhibit the growth of microbes that can cause illness.
You may see that lemon is used in most of the remedies in this article. It is added not only for adding taste but also for its germ inhibiting behavior.
24. Probiotics
Probiotics are live microorganisms that have been used for many centuries. Probiotics not only help your immune system but also boost your immunity.
Studies published in the Oxford Journals[38] proved that probiotics are useful in preventing respiratory infections.
Recent Cochrane review [39]have recommended that adults who regularly consume the probiotics may reduce their chances of developing upper respiratory infections up to 12 percent.
Foods that are rich in Probiotics
- Yogurt
- Kefir
- Miso Soup
- Milk With Probiotics
- Sour Pickles
- Sauerkraut
- Soft Cheeses
- Try Tempeh
- Sourdough Bread
- Kombucha tea
- Soy milk
- Dark chocolate
- Olives
- Kimchi
- Mircoalgae
- Poi
25. Milk
There is a popular misconception that milk increase the mucus production. But research [40] says that milk consumption does not lead to mucus production or occurrence of asthma.
When combined with ginger and turmeric, milk helps in treating cough, cold, head ache and body aches.
- 1 cup of milk
- 1 tea spoon of ginger powder or fresh ginger
- ½ tea spoon of turmeric
- Honey (optional)
- Boil a cup of milk.
- Add 1 tea spoon of ginger powder and ½ tea spoon of turmeric in it.
- Add 2 tea spoons of honey for taste (optional)
- Stir it well and drink 2 times a day
26. Camphor, Eucalyptus and Mentholated Salve
These three ingredients are helpful in effectively relieving the stuffy nose[41]. Menthol can do miracles in treating stuffy nose. As per the studies, menthol can relieve stuffy nose, there by relieving congestion.
Just try a small dab under your nose. It automatically opens up breathing passages.
Also, you can gently rub your nose with any of the above ingredients. Soon you can see the relief. Also, you can try vapor rubs made from any of these ingredients.
27. Vapor rub
According to a study published in Pediatrics[42], Vapor rub can reduce cold symptoms in children older than two years.
Just 2-4 applications before sleeping can open up air passages to fight against congestion and reduce coughing.
Vapor rubs can help you breathe more easily when you have a cold.
Apply the rub to your chest and back and go to bed. That’s all vapor rub will make you sleep easy and remove the congestion.
28. Humidifier
A humidifier will add moisture to your environment, keep your nasal tissues moist and make you feel more comfortable.
The humidifier is always helpful because dry nasal mucus membranes provide poor defense against viral invasion.
Also dry nasal mucus passages are key breeding grounds for the cold virus. Doctors recommend saline nasal drops to use as humidifier. Also you can use sesame oil to rub your nostrils.
If you don’t like to take humidifier, then go for a long warm bath or steamy bath.
29. Horseradish
Horseradish is another excellent plant for treating cold in its earlier stage. It acts as a natural antibiotic and cough reliever. It can loosen up your mucus and there by helps to blow it out. But you can’t get instant remedy with horseradish. You have to wait for one or two days to reap its benefit.
The German Commission E monograph [43], suggests consuming 1/2–1 teaspoon of the freshly grated horseradish three times per day.
Don’t consume horseradish in higher amounts than recommended, since it causes side effects such as vomiting, stomach upset, or excessive sweating.
Horse Radish Concoction
- 1/4 cup freshly grated horseradish
- 1/4 cup freshly grated ginger root
- 1/4 cup freshly chopped rosemary
- 1/4 cup freshly chopped onion
- 1 Table spoon Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1/4 cup fresh sage leaves, chopped
- 2 Table spoon pepper powder
- 4 cloves of garlic
- Mix all the ingredients in a container.
- Boil this mixture for about 5-10 minutes.
- Add honey to taste and stir it well.
- Seal it tightly and store it in the refrigerator.
- Drink 1/2–1 teaspoon three times per day.
30. Chili peppers
Chili peppers contain a chemical compound called capsaicin that makes peppers spicy. Recently scientists from the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center [44], proved that the capsaicin can reduce the sinus symptoms such as rhinorrhea, sneezing, mucus production, nasal congestion, and cough.
Capsaicin acts as an expectorant, decongestant and pain reliever. It effectively thins down your mucus.
Except bell pepper, other peppers such as cayenne, Birdseye chili, Tabasco, jalapeno, Scotch bonnets and habaneras all contain capsaicin.
Chilies are also rich in vitamin C. One chili can contain up to 4 times as much vitamin C as an orange. As I stated before, obviously vitamin C shorten the duration of colds.
Chili pepper salsa
- 3 chopped tomatoes
- 2 small chili peppers
- 1/4 cup minced red onions
- ½ tea spoon black pepper
- 2 table spoon of lime juice
- 2 Table spoons of minced fresh Coriander
- Salt
- Mix the tomatoes, chili pepper and red onions and place into a large bowl.
- Add ¼ cup of water in it
- Add coriander, black pepper and lime juice. Then stir it well.
- Add salt for taste.
- Cover it for a few hours to let all those flavors develop.
31. Country Borage or Oregano
Country Borage is an excellent herb for cold and cough. In Ayurveda medicine, it is ideal to treat the respiratory problems.
You can chew its leaves. It contains the powerful expectorant, which can remove the mucus from your respiratory tracts. Further, it helps to boost up your immune system[45].
Studies [46] proved that Country Borage can stimulate sweating, thereby helps to remove toxins in your body and speed up the recovery process.
Homemade Country Borage Cough syrup
- 7 leaves of Country Borage
- 10 black peppercorns.
- 10 Holy basil leaves.
- Turmeric powder – 1/8 tsp
- Rock salt – 1/8 tsp
- Finely grind the leaves of country borage and holy basil and place into a large bowl.
- Pour ½ cup of water in it.
- Now add the powdered peppercorns, turmeric powder, and salt into it.
- Stir it well and boil it for about 10 minutes.
- Add lemon juice or honey to taste (optional)
- Consume 3-4 table spoons of this syrup twice a day.
32. Try an additional Pillow under Your Head
One of the biggest problems during cold is unable to sleep comfortably.
Try using an extra pillow while you sleep. Raising your held while sleeping can help you to breathe more comfortably. You can also use towels to raise your head. This extra pillow will create more gradual slope to your head, this creates your nasal passages to open up more freely. So you can sleep without any respiratory problems.
If you wake up with one side of your nostril blocked, shifting position will help to clear mucus.
Lying on your back may worsen your nasal passage, due to the accumulation of excessive mucus at the back of your nose or at your throat. So try to sleep on your side position.
33. Quit Smoking
At last, you have to quit smoking!!!
If you have the habit of smoking, you have to quit it till you get relief from cold. Since it can make your cold more worse.
Smoking disrupts your immune system. Research [47], shows that smoking and alcohol consumption puts individuals at greater risk for colds.
The smoke you inhale can irritate your respiratory system and make your cold last longer. Also keep away from the other smokers too.
Hope you have got a clear idea about how to relieve from common cold at home.
Share your experience and benefits in the comments section below.
Thank you so much for sharing these excellent remedies. I would like to try them right now n fell better more faster…