15 Heart Healthy Foods That Can Save Your Heart!

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From a newborn baby to a very old chap, the heart is what keeps the body going. A heart attack is considered as one of the most common diseases that cause deaths of hundreds of thousands of people around the globe.

This proves that our hearts need to be given at most care right away and any delay in it would lead to serious conditions. General health maintenance takes care of heart but special care is needed indeed.

Having a very healthy diet and a good lifestyle like running, exercising etc, can reduce the risks of heart attack up to 80%. It is really good for people who are at risk of getting a heart attack to maintain good health by going to the gym. It is also good for such people to be devoid of smoking and drinking.

On top of all these, having a healthy diet is the foremost habit that a person should have in order to avoid heart attacks. Consumption of the following varieties of food can bring down the high risk of a heart attack. You would love all these foods since they are everyone’s favourites.

15 Heart-Healthy Foods That Can Save Your Heart!

1. Nuts

Nuts form the best among the food that has to be consumed and it reduces the risk of heart attack to a greater extent. They have your body cholesterol in control by keeping the bad cholesterol in check and by improving the good cholesterol that is good for the heart and body.

They have unsaturated fatty acids, Omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids that ease the blood flow. Among all nuts, walnuts are the best for the heart.

2. Whole Grains

Generally, fibrous food is good for the heart. Especially, the food items that are made from whole grains like bread, popcorn, brown rice etc, can be very good for the heart since they contain a lot of fibre in them.

These fibres are known for helping with cardiovascular diseases. The harmful LDL cholesterol and blood pressure can be kept in check by consuming whole grains of oatmeal.

3. Lentils

Lentils occupy the top position in the list of food items that are recommended to avoid heart-related diseases. They have foliate, high fibre and magnesium content within them.

They are also considered as the best food item since they boost the health of the heart and reduce the risk of heart-related diseases.

4. Garlic

Many people love garlic for the aroma that it gives to food when it is added to it. Besides adding a nice flavour to the dish, garlic has many medicinal properties.

Garlic has the ability to increase blood flow and reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure. Instead of using the processed variety of garlic it is always better to use the freshly crushed garlic.

5. Dark Chocolate

Many people love dark chocolate and it is interesting to know that it is good for the heart. Consumption of a little amount of dark chocolate daily can reduce the risk of heart disease.

It helps the white blood cells to move freely inside the bloodstream. It is advisable to go for brands that contain more than 70% of cocoa in order to have good results.

6. Oatmeal

For some people, oatmeal is the morning breakfast and some have them for tea. It is food that contains high fibre and it has the ability to get rid of bad unhealthy cholesterol. It can also boost the digestion process.

It is good to have a coarse variety of oatmeal instead of the ground one to maintain a healthier heart.

7. Fatty Fish

A healthy heart is maintained well when you consume fatty fish varieties such as salmon, sardines, mackerel etc. These fatty fish varieties consist of a large amount of Omega – 3 fatty acids that lower the risks of an irregular heartbeat.

It also reduces the deposition of plague on the walls of the arteries. When these fatty fish are consumed on a regular basis, it can reduce the harmful triglycerides that are present in the body and keeping them healthy.

8. Berries

Berries are often liked by people when they are on top of the icings. But it is good news that these berries such as blueberries, strawberries etc can lower the risk of heart attacks in people when they consume it regularly.

Sometimes, they help in the reduction of blood pressure, says research.

9. Citrus

Citrus fruits are always healthy since they contain more of Vitamin C in them. Fruits such as oranges and grapefruits have a high concentration of flavonoids and these can reduce the chances of ischemic stroke.

The Vitamin C content of citrus fruits can lower the risk of heart diseases.

10. Soy Products

Soy sauce is everyone’s favourite when it comes to momos etc. Soy products such as soy milk and tofu are rich in protein and are devoid of unhealthy fats and cholesterol.

They are also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids that are good for the heart.

11. Potatoes

Potatoes might not be a good choice of food for people who are suffering from gastritis and diabetes.

But, as surprising as it may look, they are a good choice to keep your heart healthy unless they are deep-fried. Consuming potatoes can lower blood pressure and ultimately lowers the risks of heart attacks.

12. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is a good source of monounsaturated fats and hence it is highly recommended for people at high risk of heart diseases by physicians. The oil can control the level of cholesterol and blood sugar.

13. Red wine

People love red wine. Red wine contains resveratrol which is great for the heart. Red wine is also known for its antioxidant properties.

14. Green tea

Hypertension is one of the reasons for high heart attack risk. Green tea contains flavonoids and catechin that lowers hypertension. It also helps control the blood sugar level.

15. Broccoli

Of all the above foods mentioned, many people would find broccoli non-tasty. But this miraculous green vegetable is fibre-rich and low in cholesterol. It also contains the antioxidants that reduce heart risks.

Consume all the above food on a regular basis and keep your heart healthy!!!


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