8 Simple and Best Exercises to Reduce Hanging Belly Fat

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Most women have the belly fat hanging down like an extra bag, and they hate it. The most irritating thing is that you can never wear your favorite dress that is fit for your body without bellies.

Your hanging belly might protrude from underneath your dress and make you look clumsier than ever.

Moreover, since you have this belly in front of you, you would restrict yourself from enjoying special and tasty consumptions like sweets and fatty items. What a pity!!!

Sometimes you would encourage yourself that going to the gym would remove the belly from your body at a faster rate. But this is not true because going to the gym might be difficult for you and at last, you would find yourself holding the belly.

It is time that you get serious about the fat content of your body and try to take home remedies for it. You can follow easy exercises that you can very well do at home. Do you want to be devoid of such unwanted fat with few exercises?

Here is your chance. This article provides you with 8 exercises that you can follow to take away the fat deposit in the form of belly.

exercises to Reduce Hanging Belly Fat

8 Simple and Best Belly Fat Workouts

1. Double Leg Lifts

This exercise is a type of Pilates exercise and it works on the fat deposits in the abdomen. Here you must keep your legs together so that the work is concentrated on the abs.

This is also called the mermaid exercise and it is the most challenging one because you will have to keep your legs straight throughout the workout.


  1. Lie down with your face facing the ceiling. Keep your palms under the head.
  2. Raise your legs in the upward direction. Keep the legs joined near the heels and take deep breaths.
  3. Now, lift your torso away from the floor thereby crunching the tummy region. You should exhale while doing this process.
  4. Be in this stance for a few seconds and come back to the original position.
  5. Repeat this procedure for at least 10 times without break.

2. Flutter Kicks

If you want to target your abdominal muscles and abs, then you can indeed go for the flutter kick. When you go with this workout with repetitions, you can very well experience the effect in your hip.

When you do this exercise, your upper and middle abs will feel stimulated too. You can have a refreshed feeling if you include this exercise in your regular set of exercises.

It is good to perform the flutter kicks at the end of your daily exercise routine because they would improve your stamina.


  1. Lie on the floor with your back to it. Lift your shoulders and head off the floor. Keep your hands behind your head.
  2. Keep both your toes pointed while your legs extended.
  3. Now, raise your right leg so that it is away from the ground to the maximum extent.
  4. Lift your left just for a few inches.
  5. Now, lower the right leg and bring your left leg upwards.
  6. Repeat this process so that you will have a back and forth motion.
  7. Do this for at least 10 times.

You would find this exercise helpful since your torso and abdomen would start aching as a sign of this exercise works.

3. Crunches

This is a regular exercise that people highly recommend to burn your belly and thigh fat.


  1. Lie on the floor with your back to it. Keep your hands behind your head.
  2. Lift your head and simultaneously bring your leg towards the bent hand. You can bring the hands and legs of the same side together or the opposite sides.
  3. Now, very slowly go back to the original position.
  4. You can repeat this process for at least 10 times. You can feel that your muscles get crunched.

4. Criss Cross

This is yet another Pilates exercise that would work on your core.

You must use a rope to help with the posture and also, maintain the posture better throughout the exercise. In this exercise, your feet would be off the ground and hence the pressure would be given to the lower abs and torso.


  1. Light on the floor seeing the ceiling. Place your hands behind your head and your shoulders apart.
  2. Now, bend the knees and pull them upwards.
  3. Now, bring your head upwards such that the shoulders reach some inches away from the floor. You can slowly exhale now.
  4. Now, spread your left leg outwards and make your torso twist to the right so that it reaches the knee of the left elbow. Inhale and exhale simultaneously.
  5. Now, you can straighten your posture and inhale simultaneously. Switch legs and repeat the same procedure.
  6. Repeat this set of exercises for at least 10 times.

5. Ball Crunch

This exercise is also called as physioball, stability ball, balance ball, etc. This is not only good for the belly muscles, but also for improving body balance, stability, and coordination. This brings about a lot more muscle stabilization.


  1. Lie over the big ball so that your shoulders are over the ball and your feet are on the ground.
  2. Keep your hands behind your head.
  3. Now, lift your body up and down over the ball so that the ball moves up and down. Your feet must be firm to the ground.
  4. Keep the ball firm too and inhale and exhale as you come down and crunch respectively.
  5. You can repeat this exercise for at least 15 times for good results.

6. Rolling Plank

This exercise makes your body muscles around your hip and lowers back to get tones easily.


  1. Lie over the exercise mat on your side. The preferable side can be your right side.
  2. Make sure that the elbow makes 90 degrees to the shoulder and your left leg is over the right leg.
  3. Make sure that the hip does not touch the mat and your knees must be straight.
  4. Beginners can hold this posture for at least 30m seconds. When you get used to this posture, you can extend the time of holding this posture.

7. Vertical Leg Crunch


  1. Lie flat on the mat and stretch your legs upwards such that they are perpendicular to your body.
  2. Cross the legs over each other till knee length.
  3. Now, lift your body from the mat upwards inhaling simultaneously.
  4. Bring your body down slowly while exhaling.
  5. Repeat this set of crunches for around 15 times in 2 sets.

8. Hip Lifts


  1. Lie flat on the floor. Keep your hands at your sides.
  2. Bring your legs upwards so that they make the right angle with your body.
  3. Now lift the hip such that they come off the floor. This crunches your abdominal muscles.
  4. Come back to the original position.
  5. Repeat this process for at least 15 times.

Follow these exercises and get rid of the undesirable belly fat in no time.

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