5 Simple Exercises to Slim Down Your Legs (Before Bedtime)

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Sleeping well is important because a lot of fat gets burnt and the metabolism activity also increases to a greater extent.

When you sleep you are relaxing the muscles completely and this can help you release a lot of stress and you would wake up fresh the next day morning. But, sleeping without exercising can be a sin because as sleep is to relax the mind so are exercises.

There is a common myth that slimming down the legs can be quite hectic but we have a 3-minute exercise that can help you to tone your legs faster than any other work-outs.

Before you hit the bed, do these exercises and just see the transformation by yourself.  You must be wondering how this 3-minute exercise is going to help you in slimming down your legs, isn’t it?

Let us quickly check the details and also the procedure that is involved in performing this super 3-minute exercise to slim your legs. These exercises can be done on your bed too so; you do not even have to think twice to do them.

5 Simple Exercises to Slim Down Your Legs

1. Legs Rotation

leg fat exercises

Lie down flat on your back and bring both legs up in the air at a 90-degree angle. Rotate the legs in a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction for 10 times per set and repeat the set 3 times.

Remember to take rest for 10 seconds after every set is being performed. By doing this exercise you would be able to tone the thigh muscles to a greater extent. In the starting, you may face many issues related to pain in legs while performing the yoga but sooner it will be fine.

2. Balancing the Legs

leg fat exercises

Lie down flat on your back and bring both legs up in the air and remember to keep them at a right angle.

Inhale and exhale as you balance both the legs. Hold them in the same position for the next 10 seconds and repeat this step 3 times.

By doing this exercise, you are not only slimming down the legs, but you are also working those fatty abdominal muscles too. This exercise can quickly help you reduce the belly fat as well.

3. Cycling

leg fat exercises

Bring both the legs together and start moving them like a cycle. Keep a count of 10 per set and repeat the set three times.

When you cycle your inner thigh muscles reduces making the legs slender and also strengthening the muscles of the legs. This exercise can also cure a lot of disorders related to the uterus.

For cycling, you can use a stationary home-based cycle or a normal cycle to roam around.

4. Spot Jogging

leg fat exercises

You need to stand upright and start jogging for 30 seconds straight.

This exercise can help you burn the fat quickly and can prepare you to perform other exercises that are mentioned above.

When the metabolism in the body increases, the burning of fat happens quickly hence, this can be one of those exercises which can be included as part of the three-minute before sleep exercise.

This is again going to help you work on strengthening the leg muscles.

5. Feet Rotation

leg fat exercises

This exercise can be quite simple in nature but it can be one of those beneficial ones which would help you relax the muscles of your legs completely.

Only when the feet are relaxed the entire body would get relaxed. After doing all the above-mentioned exercises you can simply rotate your feet to get complete relaxation.

Because it is important to relax for a while after the work-out and this would result not only in strengthening but also in the overall weight-loss process.

In a Nutshell,

Performing these exercises will not only affect your legs but will help you in keeping healthy and leave a long-lasting effect on your body as well.

The exercises mentioned above are quite easy to practice from your home and you can also perform at your own ease. Try speaking to an expert if you are facing any cramping issues while performing any type of yoga.

These are those wondrous 3-minute exercises that can be performed on a daily basis to reduce the extra fat accumulated in and around the legs.

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