Yoga for Beginners – The Important Beginner Workouts

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Yoga is certainly very good for your body’s health, your mental health as well as your body postures. If you haven’t tried yoga yet, it is good for you to try it in your life because it has a good effect on you.

If you are a beginner in yoga you need to know certain basic postures that would help you perform complex postures in the future.

In yoga, there are over 300 poses and it is not easy to select a few from them. Yet, concerning difficulty rate, this article suggests certain yoga poses for beginners.

Do all these poses with deep inhale and exhale acts and you can see yourself getting it.

1. Mountain Pose

This is a very simple pose, to begin with. It helps you to know how to feel the feet over mother earth.

  1. Stand with the feet together, almost near each other.
  2. Give stress to your toes and keep them wide open.
  3. Draw your abdomen inside to reach the spine.
  4. Press the palm outside and stretch your hands a little further.
  5. Open up your chest portion and feel the stretch.
  6. Keep your head straight and feel the pressure throughout the body.
  7. Breathe in-depth moving your abdomen up and down at the same pace.
  8. Hold the position for 5 – 8 breaths.

2. Downward Facing Dog

This is another easy pose yet a crunching one. It gives your entire body a complete stretch. It is very good for your internal organs too.

  1. Stand with your palms and your knees in a table pose.
  2. Make sure that the knees are directly down your hip and the palms are directly down your shoulders.
  3. Move your toes inward and give pressure to the middle portion of your body.
  4. Push the middle body backward so that your hip gets in the air reaching the ceiling.
  5. Now give the whole weight of your body to your limbs.
  6. Pull your abdomen back inside and give pressure to the legs and torso regions.
  7. You can even bend your knees alternatively and move so that your thighs feel engaged.
  8. Be in this position and breathe for 8 times. Inhale and exhale.

3. Plank

This is a very normal and usual exercise that would be in any exercise routine.

Plank is a position that teaches us to rest our entire body over our palms. It is a great position to strengthen the abdomen part.

  1. Lie down with your stomach to the ground.
  2. Put your palms on the ground and lift your body upwards.
  3. Make sure that your knees don’t touch the ground and that your body has a straight pose.
  4. Put the whole pressure on the palms and be there for at least 30 seconds.
  5. Make 5 – 8 breaths while you hold this position.
  6. Make sure to pull your abdomen inside.

4. Triangle

This is an easy a helpful pose. It helps in stretching the body’s sides, it opens up the lungs, tones your whole body and gives strength to your legs.

  1. Stand on your feet over the ground.
  2. Keep your legs head distance apart.
  3. Stretch your arms to your sides so that they are at your shoulder height.
  4. Take your right foot and make it 90 degrees to the ground.
  5. Take your left foot and stretch it in the opposite direction at 45 degrees to the ground.
  6. Make sure that the knee of the left leg is straight.
  7. Bend your body till your hip sideways so you reach the right ankle with your right hand.
  8. Now stretch the left hand upwards above your head.
  9. Be in this position for 5 – 8 breaths.
  • Make sure that you pull your abdomen inwards.

5. Tree

The tree is one of the standing poses. It improves your body’s balance. It improves the clarity of your mind and improves your ability to concentrate.

  1. Stand with your feet to the ground and with your legs head distance apart.
  2. Take your right foot and bend it.
  3. Place it in the inner thigh region and stand on the single foot.
  4. Now, bring your both hands in front near your chest and make a ‘Namaskar’ pose.
  5. Stand in this pose for 5 – 8 breaths
  6. Feel the balance and stretch in your legs and abdomen.

6. Warrior 1

Warrior poses are performed to increase the stamina for the body. It builds up strength and confidence. It stretches the thighs and hips in the core and lower body.

It opens up the legs, buttocks, hips, and quads and strengthens the body.

  1. Stand on your feet and keep your feet head distance apart.
  2. Take your right leg and place it in front of your body.
  3. Bend your right knee so that the leg makes 90 degrees with the floor.
  4. Take your left leg and extend it at the backside of the body so that your knee is straight.
  5. Now lift both your arms above your head and clasp them together.
  6. This is the Warrior I pose.
  7. Stand in this pose for 5 – 8 breaths and relax.
  8. Now, change the leg positions and perform this yoga once again.
  9. Make sure that your pose is straight; your chest is pressed outwards.

7. Warrior 2

Warrior 2 can be done as the continuation of Warrior 1. It opens up the thighs and hips. It can be used as a preface for many other yoga poses such as triangle, half-moon balance, etc.

  1. Stand on your feet and keep your feet head distance apart.
  2. Take your right leg and place it in front of your body.
  3. Bend your right knee so that the leg makes 90 degrees with the floor.
  4. Take your left leg and extend it at the backside of the body so that your knee is straight.
  5. Now lift both your arms on your sides till the shoulder level. Make sure that they are straight.
  6. This is the Warrior II pose.
  7. Stand in this pose for 5 – 8 breaths and relax.
  8. Now, change the leg positions and perform this yoga once again.
  9. Make sure that your pose is straight; your chest is pressed outwards.

8. Seated Forward Bend

For getting flexibility in your body, you need to perform some bend kind of exercises. This pose would be uncomfortable for you and you can learn to breathe in such situations.

Make sure that you don’t feel any sharp pain anywhere.

  1. Sit with your legs stretched in front of you. Keep your feet up straight.
  2. Now bend your whole body in front to reach the foot.
  3. You can take your abdomen inside to give pressure.
  4. Make sure that the spine has as much stress as it needs.
  5. Hold in that position for 5 – 8 breaths.

9. Bridge Pose

This is a counterpose to the forward bend pose.

  1. Lie on your back facing the ceiling.
  2. Keep your arms at your sides.
  3. Now bring your feet near your buttocks.
  4. By keeping the pressure at your sidearms, lift your body from your knees to your chest above the ground.
  5. Make sure that the hip is parallel to the ground.
  6. Hold in this position for 5 – 8 breaths.

10. Child’s Pose

The child’s pose is one of the resting poses like savasana. You can relax your whole muscles and body in this pose.

  1. Sit with your legs bend towards the ground so that you can rest your upper body over your thighs.
  2. This is like the Vajrayana pose.
  3. Now bend your whole body in front and rest your arms on the ground.
  4. Put your head down towards the floor.
  5. Be in this position for at least 60 seconds.

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