Juicing For Weight Loss- 7 Fat Burning Drinks to Lose Your Weight Quickly

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What to drink to lose belly fat? Juicing for weight loss is the new and trending topic nowadays to lose weight. Juicing is an easy and effective way to shed your extra pounds. It is yummy too!!!

Here I listed 7 best fat burning drinks or weight loss drinks lose weight faster.

The most common reason for gaining weight is burning less amount of calories than you consume. In order to burn more calories, you should do some painful workouts, diets, exercises and other methods.

Juicing too helps you in burning more calories than you consume. The advantage in juicing is that you need not do a complex and painful process. Juice is rich in nutrients, antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Moreover, a juice is easy to prepare and tastes delicious.

 Juicing For Weight Loss

Also, if your liver worked more than usual, you may have the chances of obese. Cleaning your liver is the basic step to maintain a healthy weight.

  • So you should reduce the burden of the liver by detoxifying the toxins from the foods you consume.
  • Add nutrient-rich foods and leafy green vegetables in your daily food.

While you try juicing for weight loss, consume more amount of vegetables than fruits. Since Fructose (a natural sweetening agent) in fruits may imbalance your insulin level. Adding more vegetables can solve this problem.

Approaches in Juicing for Weight Loss

There are TWO APPROACHES in juicing for Weight Loss

1. Juicing Fast (Full Time Juicing)

It is an extreme Juicing diet for weight loss. In this approach, you have to consume nothing but juice for a specific period of time. So you can’t take any solid foods. This results in hunger and losing some essential nutrients. And it is very difficult to follow (As a beginner you can skip this kind of juicing now and can go for the next approach Casual Juicing).

It is the best belly fat reduction drink. Joe Cross followed this approach and he shed 100 pounds in 60 days.

2. Casual Juicing (Part Time Juicing)

In this method, no need to skip solid foods. You should replace the unhealthy junk foods and processed foods with fat burning drinks.

Neil Martin shed his 75 pounds in 12 months with this approach.

How Juicing Helps to Lose Your weight

  • Juicing provides all the essential nutrients your body wants. If your body lacks nutrients, you feel hunger all the time. Thus, Juicing prevents you from Hunger.
  • No Hunger! So no need to go for junk foods and processed foods.
  • You can consume only natural foods by avoiding those junk foods.
  • Juicing gives you instant energy. (You may know that athletes drink fresh juices instead of processed and carbonated drinks)
  • Juices are liquid food. So digestion process is very simple for your liver.
  • Finally, juices help in detoxifying your Liver and Kidneys.
  • It boosts up your body metabolism.

Juicing For Weight Loss – Guidelines 

  • Usually, the juice is an extract and it removes the pulp. So you lose the fibre content present in vegetables and fruits. Therefore, go for a smoothie with that pulp to retain that fibre content. Also, add some fibre contents in your solid foods.
  • Use only Organic fruits and vegetables.
  • Consume more vegetables than fruit to maintain insulin level.
  • Keep moving to lose your fat and toxins.
  • Avoid foods that are rich in carbohydrates.
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Take Cruciferous vegetables, Sulfur-rich foods, Green leafy vegetables, and Citrus fruits.

Juicing Recipes For Weight Loss

Here are the 7 best juicing recipes for weight loss at home. The detox drinks recipes listed here can help you to burn the belly fat.

1. Apple- Kale Toxin Flusher

This is the best natural fat burning drinks for weight loss. This juice is good in essential nutrients and vitamins. Kale and parsley stimulate your immune system.

Kale is also rich in beta-carotene, fibre and antioxidants. Cucumber is rich in water content. This green juice not only helps you in losing weight but also removes the toxins from your liver and improves digestion.

Apple has a substance called quercetin, which helps in your Liver detoxification process.

Best Time to Drink: Anytime


  • 3 kale leaves
  • 2 Apples
  • A handful of parsley
  • 1/2 Lemon
  • 1/2 Cucumber
  • 1 sticks of celery
  • Ice cubes


  • Wash the ingredients with water
  • Peel out the Apples and cucumber
  • Now drop the sliced Apples, Cucumber, and parsley into a blender.
  • Now add the chopped Kale and Celery.
  • Add Lemon juice.
  • Blend it well and add some ice cubes. (Add some water if you need)
  • Drink this green juice once per day.

2. Pineapple Detox Drink

Pineapple will do wonders in your weight loss program. Because the fibre and water content in the pineapple can keep you satiated for a longer time. So it reduces your appetite and doesn’t go for any junk foods.

You can replace coffee with this delicious recipe.

Best Time to Drink: Mornings (Preferably on an empty stomach) and evenings.


  • 1/3 of pineapple
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • A handful of Spinach
  • 2 Lemon
  • Ice Cubes


  • Peel out the pineapple and cucumber.
  • Drop the sliced pineapple and cucumber into the juicer.
  • Add a handful of chopped spinach into it.
  • Then pour the Lemon juice into it and stir it well. (Add some water if you need)
  • Add ice cubes and drink twice a day.

3. Veggie Delight- Juicing Diet For Weight Loss

This veggie Delight is good in nutrient rich vegetables and this is a good way to consume vegetables especially for kids. This delight gives you plenty of energy and reduces your appetite.

Broccoli is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, fibre and vitamins. It has very low calories. Thus, broccoli is one of the essential veggies in a weight loss plan.

Best Time to Drink: Evenings


  • 2 Carrots
  • 2 Oranges
  • 1 cup of broccoli
  • Handful of lettuce
  • 1 sticks of celery
  • 1/4 head of cabbage


  • Drop the sliced carrots and oranges into the blender.
  • Chop the broccoli, Lettuce, celery and cabbage and add them to the blender.
  • Blend them well in a blender. (Add some water if you need)
  • Add ice and drink once per day.

4. Grapefruit Juice For Weight Loss

Grapefruit is widely used in the weight loss plans because it has low fructose content. So it is easy to maintain the insulin level in your body. Cranberry is another low fructose variety available naturally.

Best Time to Drink: Anytime


  • 2 pink grapefruits
  • 1 apple
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 lime
  • 1 cup cranberry
  • ½ Cucumber
  • Ice cubes


  • Drop grapefruits, carrots, apple and cucumber slices into the juicer.
  • Add chopped cranberry.
  • Add fresh lime juice. (Add some water if you need)
  • Blend them well and drink twice a day.

5. Sweet Avocado Green Smoothie Detox for Weight loss

This smoothie is free from fructose. So it’s highly helpful to you in maintaining insulin. This smoothie cleanses your liver and stimulates your immune system. This smoothie reduces your hunger too.

Best Time to Drink: Anytime


  • 1/4 pineapple (without the skin)
  • 1 pear
  • 1 Avocado
  • Ice cubes


  • Peel out the above fruits and chop them into small pieces.
  • Drop them into a blender and blend well. (Add some water if you need)
  • Add Ice cubes and drink twice a day.

6. The Mint Miracle Smoothie

The most known fact is that Mint suppress your appetite. Yes, it can do miracles in your weight loss plan. Watermelon has low calories and it prevents you from dehydration.

Kale, known for its nutrient rich beta-carotene, fibre and antioxidants. Kale not only helps you in reducing weight but also stimulates your immune system. The combination of these three forms the best belly fat burner drinks in the world.

Best Time to Drink: Anytime


  • A handful of Mint Leaves
  • 4 Kale Leaves
  • 2 Cups of Watermelon


  • Chop the mint leaves and Kale and drop it into the blender.
  • Cut the watermelon into small slices and add them to the blender.
  • Blend them well and drink twice a day.

7. Red Cabbage Smoothie Detox Drink

Red cabbage is good for your health and one of the best fat loss drinks. It is rich in vitamins and less in fructose content. So it is an efficient weight loss vegetable.

You can add Flax seeds to retain the protein and fibre contents.

Best Time to Drink: Evenings


  • 1 large red cabbage
  • 1 tablespoon of flax seed powder
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1 Apple
  • 1 lemon
  • Ice Cube


  • Chop the red cabbage, apple and cucumber and drop them into the blender.
  • Add a tablespoon of Flax seed powder.
  • Then add lemon juice to it and blend them well. (Add some water if you need)
  • Add Ice cubes and drink once per day.

The above juicing for weight loss smoothies works well for the time. But you have to cut down the intake of the below foods.

  • Rice
  • Canned or packaged juice
  • Fried foods
  • Bread
  • Chocolate
  • Carbohydrate contents
  • Soda Items

Now you know in depth about juicing and its benefits in weight loss programs. Remember that you can succeed in your weight loss plan only if you have a proper juicing plan. So plan in advance for your “juicing for weight loss program” before a week.

Also, remember that these juices are not for full-time diet. You can drink these juices on a part-time basis. This is enough to shed your unwanted pounds.

Try to do simple exercises at least thrice a week to burn your fat and not muscles.

Also, don’t forget that by following “juicing for weight loss”, you can’t shed your pounds in a week. It takes some time. So watch your weight regularly. Wait and harvest your benefits.

If your face looks puffy, then try these fat face reduction tips to get rid of face fat. And for neck fat, you try these simple neck fat elimination methods.

Okay, now it’s your turn!!!

All the best! Cheers.

1 thought on “Juicing For Weight Loss- 7 Fat Burning Drinks to Lose Your Weight Quickly”

  1. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for the great juicing recipes. I have been trying them for awhile now, and girl.. Are they working. I just wish I had known this a little earlier.

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