5 Night Time Drinks for Fat Burning and Get Flat Stomach

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Today let’s learn about some drinks that you can have before bedtime that makes sure you burn fat while you sleep!

A healthy lifestyle includes adequate sleep time. It is one of the most important things to keep you healthy.

If you don’t have a proper sleep pattern you will feel exhausted all the time and moreover this might lead to weight gain.

Why It Is Necessary To Burn Belly Fat?

Belly fat is linked to many health problems such as type 2 diabetes. Having extra fat can cause joint pains.

Getting rid of this excess belly fat will not only make you look better but also makes you feel better about yourself.

There are several ways to lose belly fat. Health experts might recommend you to follow exercise and diet according to you.

But if you want to speed up the process you can add these drinks to your diet. These drinks will improve your metabolism and burns fat faster than usual.

For faster fat loss you should avoid drinking products with high amounts of sugar. Added sugar and preservatives are unhealthy and add excess fat in the belly and liver.

5 Night Time Drinks For Fat Loss

Cucumber, Lemon and Parsley Mix

This drink can be easily done in your kitchen using simple ingredients. It doesn’t need any special ingredients to be added.

Cucumber has low in calories and has zero fat. It provides good amounts of fiber that helps in reducing bloating.

Another important ingredient in your weight loss drink is parsley. This contains vitamins A, B, C and K that help you to manage water weight and holds water while you sleep.

Lemon is added for additional taste. It also improves your gut health by supporting the functions of the digestive system. Lemon is a common ingredient that is used in most of the drinks for weight loss.


  • 1 cucumber
  • Lemon juice
  • Parsley


  • Mix the lemon juice with some water and stir well.
  • Add the diced cucumber and a bunch of parsley to it.
  • Blend the ingredients using a blender.
  • Drink this at night after dinner or before bedtime.

Apple Cider Vinegar and lemon mix

ACV is a common drink for weight loss. Drinking a glass of apple cider mixed with cinnamon or honey at night helps you to burn fat while you sleep.

It helps you burn more fat. Apple cider vinegar lowers blood sugar levels and helps you fight diabetes.

It also helps you feel full which improves your appetite. ACV lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of heart disease.


  • 1 cup of water
  • A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper
  • Honey


  • Combine a glass of water and ACV.
  • Stir the mixture well and add lemon juice.
  • Add some grounded cinnamon with cayenne pepper and honey.
  • Mix the mixture well.

Raspberry and Lime Juice mix

Lime is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C that are essential for fat loss and detoxification of impurities.

It promotes the action of the enzymes present in the liver that eradicates toxins from your body. It also contains vitamins B and C that helps in boosting the weight loss process and enhance digestion.

Raspberries have ketones that can curb calorie appetite. These will limit your appetite too.

This natural element also decreases weight accumulation as a result of eating junk foods. Raspberries further prevent the addition of liver and tissue weight.


  • Raspberry
  • A glass of lime juice
  • A cup of water


  • Add some raspberry to a glass of lime juice.
  • Blend the mixture well.
  • Add some water to the mixture to dilute it.

Drinking this after dinner will boost your digestion without any problems due to the presence of flavonoids in it. Take small sips than gulping it down quickly to help rest your digestive system.

Grape Fruit and Cucumber Drink

Grapefruit is rich in the AMP-activated protein enzyme. This enzyme has the effect of boosting sugar assimilation in the body.

It helps you enhance the process of shedding extra calories by increasing the metabolic rate. Grapefruit also enhances body hydration.

Cucumber possesses anti-diuretic capabilities that help in liver detoxification. It removes toxins and calories from your body.


  • A cup of water
  • Some grapefruit
  • Sliced lemon
  • Cucumber


  • Chop the grapefruit and cucumber.
  • Put the chopped ingredients into a blender.
  • Add some water to the mixture
  • Blend until a smooth texture is obtained.
  • You can freeze the drink and have it cool.

This drink helps to remove unwanted calories and toxins from the body. The advantage of having this drink cold activates the metabolic process which subsequently produces heat thus promoting weight loss.

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