Health Benefits of Bananas: 7 Good Reasons to Eat a Banana Today

Bananas are one of the cheapest fruits available that contains lots of minerals and vitamins that are essential to our body. They might seem cheap but they are rich in all sorts of nutrients. I kind of love the scene of monkeys eating the bananas…

They, of course, get an immense supply of minerals and vitamins from nature… That is lovely, isn’t it…

Not only for them, but it’s also the same for us too. But we needn’t take larger number bananas one or two per day would be more than sufficient for a good supply of vitamins that our body needs. Let us see what are all the health benefits of bananas…

eat 2 bananas per day

Arterial Pressure will Return to Normal

Eating one or two bananas per day can have a check on our body’s blood pressure, aid weight loss, improve eyesight and keep the bowel health intact. Bananas contain the natural sugars sucrose and fructose which give them their sweet flavor.

They are also filled with vitamins, minerals, and fiber which makes them a healthy addition to your breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The Powerhouse of Nutrients

The different vitamins available in bananas are vitamin B6, vitamin C and they also contain minerals such as Manganese and Potassium. Bananas can protect us against atherosclerosis with their immense containment of Potassium.

Atherosclerosis is the narrowing down of arteries due to the deposit of plagues or thickening of the arteries. There are approximately 467 milligrams of Potassium and 1 milligram of sodium in each banana. Bananas are good for the cardiovascular tissues in the heart.

Very High Source of Potassium

The Potassium found in the bananas is good for improving bone health. This is because they decrease the amount of calcium that is being released in the urine. They also prevent the bones from thinning out at a faster rate.

Maintains a Healthy Heart

The nutrients of the bananas are subjected to change when they ripen. When the bananas ripe and turn dark yellow, the antioxidants in the bananas increase. This protects our body against heart diseases and the chances of cancer occurrences are lowered.

Which Kind of Banana You have to Take?

Usually, when the banana ripens to the maximum and the skin becomes dark, we throw them since we do not like the texture of it. But a recent study carried out by Japan researchers shows that the full ripened bananas with dark skins produce the largest quantity of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF).

This is a kind of cytokine that fights abnormal tumor cells in the body stimulating the production of white blood cells and assisting communications.

So, it is always good if the banana is consumed in its ripest form since they are better in boosting the immunity and anti-cancer properties. The fact is that bananas with dark spots are more effective in improving the function of the white blood cells.

So, instead of throwing out the ripened bananas, eat them to have a nice supply of different minerals and nutrients so that they can help our body from many diseases.

If you do not like to take the banana as such, make a salad out of it by adding some other fruits like pomegranate, apple etc. You can also have bananas with honey and dates. Eating bananas during night time would ease the bowels the next day morning and clear out the human body’s waste easily.

In a crisp way, the benefits of bananas can be given by the following 7 points:

  1. High fiber content
  2. Maintains a healthy heart
  3. Ease indigestion
  4. Powerhouse of Nutrients
  5. Very high source of Potassium
  6. Maintains blood pressure
  7. Helps fight anemia.

Eating bananas daily can be a very good source of Potassium and other minerals but they may also be consumed in the form of other tastier recipes like banana cakes, Banana muffins etc.

Bananas also contain a high content of iron that helps fight anemia, which is a condition where the number of red blood cells in the bloodstream comes down. Having bananas every day would increase the iron content of the bloodstream thus thinning the possibility of anemia.

Take at least one banana every day and try improving the health of your body… Enjoy a banana filled diet every day!!!

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