20 Home Remedies Commonly Used to Treat Snoring!

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Most of the people in the world snore. If America is considered, over half of Americans snore while they sleep. Snoring is caused due to the flow of air inside the throat while breathing during sleep.

The throat consists of relaxed tissues that vibrate due to the flow of air. This causes an irritating snoring sound. Snoring can cause a lot of disturbance for the people sleeping with you.

Even if you are not much affected by snoring, it is not a condition to be ignored. Snoring can even indicate some serious health issues such as,

  1. Obstructive sleep apnea (blocked airways)
  2. Obesity
  3. A defect in the structure of mouth, throat or nose
  4. Sleep deprivation

In some cases, snoring can be caused if you are sleeping on your back of if you have consumed alcohol just before going to sleep.

Most people ignore the fact that a good night’s sleep is very essential for health. They don’t mind sacrificing their sleep to finish their activities, which is indeed quite dangerous.

anti snoring

Losing sleep occasionally is not a problem but when a prolonged disturbance is endured, and then it might as well bring about certain discomforts.

Experts recommend that we sleep for at least 8 hours a day. However, many people are deprived of their sleep since their partners have a snoring problem. To relieve yourself from snoring, this article provides you with juice and various other remedies that can help you get rid of your bad snores.

Tips to Stop Snoring

In some cases of snoring, it would be advisable to check with the doctor and follow his instructions to get rid of the same.

In some cases, snoring can be a result of the position in which we sleep and such small reasons that cause snoring can be avoided by some home remedies.

Other forms of treatments for snoring such as surgeries and aids are also available. You should consult your doctor to get advice on which method you should adopt to get rid of snoring.

20 Home Remedies Commonly Used to Treat Snoring:

1. Limit your alcohol consumption, particularly before going to bed

2. Maintain your weight in check since being overweight causes snoring. This will help since it limits the growth of extra tissues in the throat thus avoiding snoring.

3. Have a light dinner; avoid meat or heavy meals. By doing this, the heaviness in the stomach can be avoided and thus snoring can be stopped.

4. People suffering from sleep apnea should make sure that they use a CRAP mask

5. Consumption of tea or chamomile just before going to bed can be avoided since this increases the vibration of the bell.

6. Avoid sleeping on your back since this can cause the tongue to block the airflow throat. It is always advisable to sleep on the sides.

7. Elevate the head portion of your bed at least by four inches. This will increase the airflow through the throat and avoid snoring. You can even use a pillow for this purpose.

8. There are nasal strips available that can be pasted over the bridge of the nose. This improves space in the nasal passage and thus avoids snoring.

9. A nose dilator can also be used which is a thickened nose strip that can be pasted over the nostrils. This can decrease the airflow resistance and thus making it an easier job to breathe.

10. Sometimes when you have allergies, it blocks your nostrils and hence you start breathing in your mouth. This increases the chances of snoring. Consulting a doctor to find out the cause of allergy and treating it with immediate effect would reduce snoring.

11. Some people have a deviated septum by birth. This is the misalignment of the wall separating both sides of the nose, ultimately restricting airflow. This would cause people to breathe through their mouths during sleep, and this causes snoring. Your doctor may advise you to go for surgery to relieve this defect.

12. Some people have the habit of consuming sedatives to get a good night’s sleep. You can talk to your doctor for alternative remedies.

13. Smoking before going to bed can cause snoring. Get to a rehabilitation center and clear your smoking habit for good.

14. Just make sure that you get enough sleep of at least 8 hours at night.

15. Some oral appliances are available that can keep your air passages open for the free flow of air. You can see a dentist and get one so that you don’t snore.

16. If your doctor recommends you to wear a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) to keep your airway open. Wearing CPAP is often recommended for patients suffering from sleep apnea.

17. Another remedy is to wear palatal implants. This is nothing but pillar procedure where strands of polyester filaments are injected into the palate of the mouth. This stiffens the palate and thus avoids snoring.

18. Some patients can even get a UPPP (uvulopalatopharyngoplasty) surgery. This is a surgery conducted to tighten the tissues in the throat. Nowadays, laser-assisted uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (LAUPPP) is also available which is more effective than normal UPPP.

19. Radiofrequency tissue ablation (somnoplasty) can also be carried out with the advice of the doctor. To shrink the tissues of the soft palate, low-intensity radio waves are exposed to them. The palate shrinks thus avoiding snoring.

Anti-Snoring Juice


  1. 2 carrots
  2. 2 apples
  3. ¼ lemon
  4. 1 fresh ginger


  1. Scrape off the skin of the carrots, apples, and ginger and cut them into small pieces.
  2. Add them to a blender and add sugar and an adequate amount of water.
  3. Your juice is ready to be consumed.

Unique Benefits of Each Ingredient

  1. Lemon has abundant Vitamin C and it clears the nostrils
  2. Carrots relieve the pressure of the nose
  3. Apples improve sleep

Well, people, you can drink the anti-snoring juice and follow the above-mentioned tips to be devoid of snoring. Have great sleep at night and get refreshed every morning.

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