Dry Cracked feet or heel, often known as fissures is a sign of poor health and serious dry skin problem. This indicates that you didn’t spend enough time to take care of your feet and also didn’t follow a healthy lifestyle. Dry skin on your feet makes way for the crack.
So, how to heal cracked heels? Is there any home remedies for cracked heels? In this article, I come up with 18 effective ways to get rid of your dry cracked feet.

Cracked heels are not only unappealing to your beauty but also they can be painful. Excessive dryness on your feet makes it crack.
Soaking your feet in a warm water is a soothing process that aids to calm your nerves and relax your cracked heels or feet. Also, Soaking your feet promotes blood circulation, cleanses bacteria off the skin and enhances moisture. Wash your feet completely before you do any soaking treatments.
Soaking your feet for too long can dry them out. Some people do excessive soaking in the thought of getting relief from cracked heels overnight. You can’t achieve this overnight. So avoid excessive soaking and follow the below guidelines for harmless healing.
Note: Do not soak your feet in hot water. It causes excessive dryness. If you have diabetes, then don’t follow any of the below methods. Consult your doctor for further treatments.
But always remember that these home remedies takes some days to a week to heal your cracks and to remove the dead skins completely. To get an instant remedy for cracked feet try this Healthy Feet Cream.
How to Get Rid of Dry Cracked Feet/ Heels At Home?
Let’s see the home remedies to cure your cracked heels. The first 4 remedies are all time favorite and give you better results than others.
1. Lime Juice
How to fix cracked heels faster? I suggest you go for lemon remedy. The Acidic property of Lime removes the dead skin cells on your feet and nourishes it with good moisture. Due to its nourishment, you will be free from excessive dryness on your feet. Thus, lime juice can easily heal your cracked feet on the go!
The Acidic property of Lime removes the dead skin cells on your feet and nourishes it with good moisture. Due to its nourishment, you will be free from excessive dryness on your feet. Thus, lime juice can easily heal your cracked feet on the go!
- Take a foot tub or a large dish that is enough for both of your feet to fit in comfortably.
- Now pour some warm water in that dish.
- Squeeze a fresh Lemon and add its juice to it.
- Stir it well and soak your cracked feet in the dish.
- Leave it on for 5-10 minutes.
- Repeat this procedure one per day.
Note: After a week, do this Lime juice soaking twice per week. (This is more than enough)
2. Sea Salt or Epsom Salt
You can get a super clean foot with the help of salt. The Magnesium in the salt can effectively relax your muscles and ease the pain.
It is a natural skin exfoliator and removes your dead skin cells on your feet and makes it moisture. You can use both sea salt or Epsom salt as a home remedy to heal your cracked feet.
- Take a foot tub and pour some warm water in it.
- Add a ½ spoon of sea salt or Epsom salt in it.
- Stir it well.
- Soak your dry cracked feet in this warm salt water.
- After 5 minutes, remove your feet from the warm water dish.
- Then lay a cloth down on the floor to absorb the water from your cracked feet.
- After your feet dries completely, apply some Coconut oil in it.
- Leave it on and go to bed.
- Try this method once per day.
Note: After this method, go to bed and give rest for your feet. It is advised not to walk after this method. Else you can’t get the desired results.
3. Olive Oil
Olive oil is an excellent nature product. It is used in everything, from kitchen recipes to beauty products. It is a natural humectant that attracts moisture to dry skin. Since olive oil is loaded with a lot of nutrients, you can easily enrich your dry skin with olive oil. This is one of the best home remedies for your cracked dry feet.
- Take few drops of olive oil and apply it on the cracks.
- Gently massage your feet with olive oil for 10 minutes.
- Leave it on and go to bed.
- Repeat this procedure 3 times per week to get rid of cracked heels in few days.
4. Petroleum jelly or Vaseline
It is one of the most effective home remedies for dry cracked feet.
Petroleum jelly is one of the best ways to restore moisture to your cracked heels. The interesting one is most of the people call petroleum jelly by its trademark, Vaseline.
It acts as a long-lasting lubricant to smooth your dry cracked heels.
- Cover your cracked feet in petroleum jelly at night before going to bed.
- Use some comfy socks to let it soak in overnight.
- Remove your socks in the morning and wash your cracked feet with warm water.
Note: Wearing socks at bedtime may make you irrationally angry! If so, then just apply the petroleum jelly on your feet without socks.
5. Heal your Heels with Baking Powder
This is another good home remedy for your cracked heels. It has antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties. It is a good exfoliator and removes the dry skin on your feet. The cracked skin on your feet can be shed off easily by applying baking powder.
Note: Excessive usage of baking soda may harm your skin. Follow the below instructions for the best results.
Let’s see how to get rid of cracked heels with baking powder.
- Take a foot tub and pour some warm water in it.
- Add a ½ spoon of baking soda powder in it.
- Soak your cracked feet in it for 10 minutes.
- Pat dry your feet with a clean cotton towel.
- Apply Lavender or Coconut oil on your cracked feet and go to sleep.
- Repeat this procedure twice per week.
6. Heal your Dry Cracked Feet with Vinegar Soaking
The best treatment for cracked heels with the vinegar soaking.
Vinegar is used to treat many types of skin problems. The acidic property of vinegar soothes your dry cracked feet. It moistures your feet and makes it free from dryness. Even though, vinegar is not harmful to your skin, dilute it before apply to your feet.
- Mix Vinegar and water in the ratio of 1:2 (one part of Vinegar and two parts of water).
- Soak your feet in this mixture for 15-20 minutes.
- Pat dry your feet with a clean cotton towel and cover your cracked feet with coconut oil before going to bed.
- Repeat this procedure on alternate days.
7. Mentholated Rub
This is one of the popular remedies to cure your cracked feet instantly. The essential oils in the mentholated rub will do a miracle for your dry cracked feet. It brings back the moisture to your feet and eliminates the dryness. This method not only heals your cracked feet but also the toenail fungus.
- Apply the Mentholated Rub on your feet.
- Wear socks to cover it.
- Leave it on for a night.
- Remove your socks on the next day morning and clean your feet with fresh water.
- Repeat this procedure once per week.
When you wake up in the morning, the dry spots will have smoothed out and your heels should be remarkably softer
8. Paraffin Wax Baths
Paraffin Wax is an excellent Moisturizer. Due to this paraffin wax treatment, heat maintains on your feet for few minutes. This head increases the blood circulation around the cracks and removes the dead skin cells on your feet.
Also, heat penetrates into the aching joints and smoothens it. Paraffin wax softens the dry cracked heels and helps to heal faster. This is one of the excellent home remedies for dry feet.
Let’s see how to fix cracked heels with Paraffin wax.
- Heat the solid paraffin wax between 123 and 125 degrees.
- Allow the wax to warm.
- Dip your feet in the melted paraffin wax.
- After few seconds, remove your feet.(When the wax started to become solid).
- Dip 3 -4 times to form a thick layer of wax in your feet.
- Allow it to dry for 10-15 minutes.
- Then peel out the wax.
Note: Paraffin wax needs to be warm. So, this treatment is not advisable for Children, Very elderly persons, and those who are suffering from diabetes and vascular diseases.
9. Overripe Banana Pulp Feet Pack
Banana is a natural moisturizer. So it is useful in treating your cracked heels. It fights against the dryness and gives smoothness to your dry cracked feet. It repairs the cracked heels and removes the dry skin on feet.
- Take a ripe banana.
- Smash it with a blender.
- Apply this banana pulp on your cracked feet for 15 minutes.
- Finally, wash tour feet with warm water.
- Repeat this procedure twice per week.
10. Use Heel Cups To Distribute Your Overall Body Weight
Excess body weight is the major cause for your cracked feet. If your feet doesn’t bear your body weight, it widens and creates cracks at sideways.
Try to reduce your overall weight to cure the cracked heels faster. But you can’t reduce your weight tonight. So the best way is to distribute your weight around your feet. You can use heel cups to achieve this. It prevents your feet from expanding at sideways. You can get better results if you use this heel cups regularly.
11. Scrub your dry feet with Pumice stone
The dry skin on feet can be easily removed with a pumice stone. Pumice stone is one of the famous scrubbing material all over the world. It easily removes your dead dry skin cells in a single scrub. So you can easily get rid of dry cracked feet in few days.
- Buy a pumice stone
- Soak your feet in warm water for 10 minutes.
- Gently scrub your feet with a pumice stone. (Don’t overdo it)
- Then wash your feet with fresh water.
- Apply any moisturizer to prevent dryness.
12. Wear Closed/ Better Fit shoes and Avoid High Heel Shoes
This is a good practice to remove the cracked skin on feet. Some shoes make your skin dry. Avoid that kind of shoes to prevent the dry feet problem. Avoid wearing plastic shoes and go for leather or canvas shoes, as these allow your feet to breathe.
Closed shoes can give stiffness to your widely cracked feet. The closed shoes and good quality cotton socks will improve your skin condition. Always, wear breathable cotton or wool socks.
Also, heel shoes with more than 3 inches may dry out your feet skin. If you prefer to wear heels, then limit its height to 3 inches. This will give you a tremendous relief from the pain caused by cracked heels and the cracked heel repair is easy with this method.
13. Don’t Stand Continuously For a Long Time
How to get rid of cracked heels? Better don’t stand for a longer time continuously.
Standing for a long time at your work or at kitchen may harm your feet. Try to take rest (sitting or sleeping) between the long standing hours. If you are overweight, then standing for a longer period may harm you a lot.
Since your feet is the only part to bear your excess weight, the overweight hurts it. So it breaks and causes cracks on your feet. The only solution is to take rest for shorter intervals.
Nutrients Needed to Cure Your Cracked Heels Faster
Yes! Nutrients are essential to get rid of your cracked feet. The treatment for cracked heels is not limited to the mechanical practices. It also involved in taking correct food supplements.
An insufficient intake of key vitamins and minerals can increase the risk and severity of your cracked feet. So better take the adequate nutrients to heal faster.
14. Vitamin A
Vitamin A rejuvenates your dead skin cells on your feet. It promotes cell division and cell growth in the cracked area of your heels and makes it smoother.
Foods that are rich in Vitamin A are Carrots, milk, eggs, cooked Sweet Potato, Kale, Squash, Lettuce, Dried Apricots, Tuna Fish, Mango, Turkey Liver, Mustard Greens, Cantaloupe, Peaches, Dandelion Greens, etc.
An average adult needs 700mcg and 900mcg of vitamin A per day.
15. Vitamin C
Free radicals damage your collagen and cause dryness, wrinkles, and cracks on your skin. Vitamin C is necessary to protect your skin from the damage of free radicals. Further vitamin C produces collagen, a protein that is helpful in cell growth. Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant to reduce the damage of free radicals.
With the help of both the above vitamins, you can easily get rid of dry cracked feet in a week.
Vitamin C is found in Yellow Bell Peppers, Guavas, Green Kiwifruit, Kale, Broccoli, Strawberries, Oranges, Peas, Tomato, papaya, etc.
An average adult needs 75mg to 90mg of vitamin C per day.
16. Vitamin E
Vitamin E also protects your skin from the free radicals. It promotes healthier skin cells and smoothness around your feet.
Vitamin E can be found in foods such as nuts, wheat germ, fortified cereals, Olive Oil, eggs, whole-grain products, Vegetable oils, Broccoli, Shellfish, Roasted Sunflower Seeds, Avocados, Rainbow Trout, Pumpkin, etc.
An average adult needs 15mg of vitamin E per day.
17. Zinc
The enzymes present in the zinc is helpful for skin division and growth. It repairs your damaged skin cells and heals your wounds.
Foods that are rich in Zinc are oysters, crab, chicken, kidney beans, Shrimp, yogurt, Flax Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, brown rice, Lima Beans, Peanuts, Turkey, Egg Yolks, Salmon fish, Pork, Dark Chocolate, beef liver, Cashews, peas, etc.
Average adult men need 11mg of Zinc per day and for women, 8 mg is sufficient per day.
18. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
To get rid of cracked heels consume more omega 3 fatty acids. The Omega-3 Fatty Acids is useful in increasing the blood circulation and reduce swelling on your damaged skin area. It is not produced in your body naturally, so you have to add it manually by consuming foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acid.
Foods that are rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids are Fish oil, Mackerel fish, Salmon, Borage Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Oysters, Evening Primrose Oil, Black Currant Oil, Chia Seeds, Walnuts, Soybeans, etc.
Check this article for the additional tips to get rid of your dead skin cells on your body.
In a nutshell,
Dry Cracked feet or heel, often known as fissures is a sign of poor health and serious dry skin problem. This indicates that you didn’t spend enough time to take care of your feet and also didn’t follow a healthy lifestyle. Dry skin on your feet makes way for the crack.
Cracked heels are not only unappealing to your beauty but also they can be painful. Excessive dryness on your feet makes it crack. So, how to heal cracked heels? Is there any home remedies for cracked heels? Look at the above 18 effective ways to treat your dry cracked feet.
How to get rid of cracked heels? Getting rid of your dry cracked heels/feet is an easy process if you follow any one of the above methods religiously. But remember that you can’t cure your cracked feet overnight, it takes a weeks time to get a complete remedy.
But always remember that these home remedies takes some days to a week to heal your cracks and to remove the dead skins completely. To get an instant remedy for cracked feet try this Healthy Feet Cream.
There are lots of great ideas to try. Lime and Petroleum jelly always worked for me! But, is it necessary to take minerals and nutrients to cure cracked heels?
Yes, Jane. You can easily cure your cracked feet with any one of the listed methods. But the nutrients makes the healing process much faster than usual.