It’s summertime! Sunburn is one of the most irritating ones in this season. How to get rid of sunburn faster? Don’t worry about the sunburn redness hereafter. Here I give you the 10 best ways to heal the sunburn redness.
Overexposing to sunlight causes sunburns. The best way to avoid sunburn and its redness are not to go out!
But it’s not possible. So you can follow the below prevention methods,
- Stay out of the sun.
- Cover your skin while going out.
- Wear a wide-brimmed hat or simply a cap
- Use sunglasses
- Apply Sunscreen/Sunburn lotions.
(Here is the review of the 10 World’s Best sunburn Lotions)

How to Get rid of Sunburn Overnight?
If you got a sunburn, then don’t worry! Just follow the below ways to get rid of sunburns faster. If you need an instant relief from the sunburn, then try the sunburn lotions. (But read the Reviews Here before buying any lotions)
1. Drink a lot of Fluids
This is the first and fastest way to heal a sunburn.
You can get rid of sunburn by drinking a lot of water or other fluid drinks. Overexposure to the sun causes an excess fluid loss in your body and thus you are dehydrated.
So drink a lot of fluids to make your body hydrated. This increases your healing process.
2. Don’t Break the blisters
Blisters contain fluid, which acts as a natural protective layer of your skin. So don’t break this layer. Further breaking the blisters, slows down the healing process and make way for the infection. If it breaks, clean the affected area with soap or any lotion.
Not breaking the sunburn blisters is the best thing for sunburn to go away.
3. Apply Cool Water
Applying cool water to the affected area is one of the best ways to reduce sunburn redness. The cool water tightens your blood vessels and reduces the swelling.
The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends applying a wet cloth to the sunburn affected areas. Even you can apply cool water to rashes that are caused due to sun poisoning.
Note: Don’t apply an ice pack or cold water directly onto your skin.
- Take a clean cotton cloth.
- Soak it in a cool water.
- Hold the wet cloth over the affected area as long as it is cool.
- Do this for 5-10 minutes.
- Repeat this process several times a day.
4. Aloe Vera gels for sunburn
Getting rid of sunburn is easy with Aloe vera. It reduces your sunburn redness and heals it faster.
Aloe Vera acts as a natural moisturizer. It has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It contains a compound called lidocaine, which helps to relieve the pain caused by sunburn.
Aloe Vera reduces the heat, reduces the inflammation, smoothens your skin and gives chillness to your skin. Scientifically it is proven that Aloe Vera, accelerates the healing process.
- Take an Aloe Vera leaf and cut open the cross section and squeeze out the gel out of it.
- Apply this gel to the affected area and spread it gently for a few minutes.
- Allow it to dry and wipe it off with a soft cloth.
- Repeat this process three or four times daily.
If you feel difficult in getting its juice, buy these Market leading Aloe vera gels for your sunburn.
- Get this ArtNaturals Aloe Vera Gel
5. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is one of the quickest ways to get rid of sunburn swelling. It acts as an astringent. Usually, astringent shrinks the body tissues. So obviously it will reduce your swelling caused due to sunburn.
Further Apple cider vinegar reduces the pain caused by sunburn and regulates the pH level of your skin.
- Dilute the apple cider vinegar to 20% using water.
- Now take the clean cotton cloth and dump it in the diluted apple cider vinegar.
- Now apply the wet cloth onto your sunburn affected areas.
- Repeat this process 2-3 times per day to get rid of sunburns.
Note: Don’t use the raw apple cider vinegar. It will irritate your skin and damages the tissues. Always use the diluted Apple cider vinegar.
6. Coconut Oil for Sunburn
Coconut oil nourishes your dehydrated skin. Coconut oil is loaded with lauric acid and fatty acid. These acids are helpful in healing sunburn.
Vitamin E presents in the coconut oil act as an anti-oxidant and reduces the swelling. For better results add vitamin E oil to the coconut oil. Thus, coconut oil reduces the sunburn redness and heals the sunburn faster.
- Take a teaspoon of coconut oil and mix it with a teaspoon of vitamin E oil.
- Dab the oil onto your sunburn affected areas.
- Gently rub the area for 2 minutes.
- Leave it on. Coconut oil will do its work.
Note: Don’t use coconut oil on the first day of sunburn. Since it may heat up the sunburns and delay the healing process. It is advised to wait for 1 or 2 days before applying coconut oil.
7. Cucumber
You can make a sunburn go away with cucumbers.
The water-rich cucumber is highly beneficial for treating sunburns. Since it is rich in potassium, vitamins A and C, sulfur, manganese, folate, molybdenum, and silica.
Cucumber is a natural anti-inflammatory agent and reduces the skin irritation.
- Cut the cucumber into slices.
- Gently rub the slices onto your sunburn affected areas.
- And leave it overnight.
- You can see the miracle effect of cucumber in the morning
Note: Don’t use same cucumber slice to all sunburns. Use separate slices to prevent bacterial infection.
8. Black Tea for Sunburn
Black tea is rich in tannic acid. It acts as a natural antioxidant and good for treating the sunburns. Many people using black tea to heal the sunburns. Tea bags made up of black tea is used for sunburn relief.
Green tea has numerous benefits over your skin:
- Protects your skin from harmful toxins and UV radiations
- Reduces inflammation and pain.
- Repairs the damaged cell.
- Balances the pH level of your skin.
- Brew a cup of Black Tea.
- Let it be cool.
- Take a clean cotton cloth and dip it in the tea.
- Gently dab that cloth on your skin.
- Leave it on for 10 minutes.
- Repeat this process 3-4 minutes per day.
9. Witch Hazel
Witch Hazel make a sunburn go away with its anti-swelling properties. It is a shrub that acts as is a natural astringent. Further, it has the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Tannic acid, a substance present in witch hazel can fight against acne scars and redness of sunburns. It can tighten your blood vessels and reduces swelling.
- Smash the Witch Hazel leaves and make a juice.
- Now apply this face pack onto your face.
- Leave it overnight.
- Wash with fresh water in the morning.
Note: Witch Hazel can make your skin dry. If u feel excessive dryness, use less amount of Witch Hazel.
10. Turmeric and Milk
The anti-inflammatory substance in turmeric will reduce the inflammation and its occurrence. So it can effectively fight against the sunburn redness and the swelling. Milk is rich in proteins and fat. It regulates your pH level too.
Along with milk, turmeric can easily reduce the sunburn redness.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of turmeric with 1/2 teaspoon of milk and make a paste.
- Apply this paste to the sunburns.
- Allow it to dry for 10-15 minutes.
- Leave it on for 20 minutes
- Now wash your face with fresh water.
- Repeat this process twice a day to get rid of sunburn faster.
If you need an instant relief from the sunburn, then try the sunburn lotions. (Read the Reviews here before buying any lotions)
Hope you are clear about how to get rid of sunburn overnight? Follow the above 10 best ways to heal the sunburn redness and get back your clear skin. If you have acne, the follow the homemade acne treatment to get rid of acne. Also, try these face masks to get clear skin.
Try the above tips and share your experiences via comments.
These tips are great. You have to take care of your skin. Apply a good sunscreen over SPF50 for preventing sunburn.