7 Things Your Period Blood Color Says About Your Health!

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Women in society are becoming more aware of periods, and most importantly, period blood. Very critical situations may be avoided by being cautious about the color of the period blood.

For example, the light pink color of your period may signal low estrogen levels and could be a signal of an approaching osteoporosis diagnosis later in life.

The regularity and irregularity of your period speak volumes about your health, but there are other aspects of the same that must be considered seriously. One such aspect is the color of your period blood.

We know it sounds gross to discuss something like that, but it is quite definitive of your health. The color of your period blood and the stain that it leaves could be indicative of certain health issues which are growing within you and are likely to affect you at a later stage in life.

Yes, the color of that stain could actually give you certain insights about what might be going on inside your body. But let’s look at it optimistically; these queues can be used to your benefit. By taking note of the color of blood in periods, you can take some precautionary measures against those health crises which could affect you later in life.

It is very important to note the color of your period and take necessary actions if at all there seems to be any trouble.

Period Blood Color health

1. Pink Color

Sometimes your periods may be a slightly darker shade of pink. Pink colored period blood may signify low estrogen levels.

If you’re a runner, this could also be a reason for your menstrual blood to be light in color, as it’s been proven that playing sports, especially running, may cause the estrogen levels to drop.

It’s important to watch out for as some studies have found a connection between low estrogen and osteoporosis later in life.

2. Watery

Watery-looking period blood is indicative of nutritional deficiencies. Experts say that if it looks whitish and diluted inconsistency, it could be a sign of severe anemia. This is more relevant when your period blood becomes lighter and lighter when it is supposed to be heavy.

For this, monitor the situations for three consecutive cycles and if there is no difference, check with your doctor. However, in some cases, an iron deficiency might result in excessively heavy flow. In this case, you might have to change your pad in less than an hour and may even feel fatigued all day.

3. Dark Brown

When the period blood is brown or reddish-brown in color, it might create a freight within you that you have caught a severe problem. But relax; it does not mean that. This happens when your periods get delayed.

Dark brown blood could mean that some old blood has been sitting in the uterus for too long and is now being discharged. It is unpleasant to look at and may leave a stain which does not go easily. But other than that, it is nothing to worry about.

4. Thick and Looks Like Jam With Clots

Sometimes women experience a flow of clotted blood during their periods. Such jam-like blood discharge during your period with dark red clots means that you might have low progesterone and high estrogen levels.

Most of the time, it does not mean anything. However, if the clots are large in size and there are many of them, it may mean you have a hormonal imbalance. Also, fibroids in your uterus could be the cause. But this condition can be sometimes neglected.

5. Gray-Reddish Mix

Grey or grey-reddish mix discharge may mean two things: if you’re not pregnant — it’s a signal for an STD/STI infection, but if you have missed at least one of your periods, it may mean an early miscarriage.

6. Cranberry Red Color

Hope you all are very familiar with cranberry juice. Every cocktail includes it!!! The cranberry colored blood during your period is considered healthy and great.

But it must be noted that what is normal for one person may be not the case for another. So, scheduling an appointment with a doctor regularly is a good idea.

7. Orange

Orange color, just like a gray-red mix may mean you have an infection. However, a bad odor and severe pains will accompany this if it’s an STD/STI infection.

So, ladies, check for the color of your period blood and keep out for any abnormalities…

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