Soy Sauce Substitute – 5 Best Healthy Alternatives for Soy Sauce

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Looking for Soy sauce substitute? Due to health issues, many people are looking for the alternative to soy sauce. Even though the many soy sauce replacements are available, you have to choose the healthy alternatives from them.

Thankfully, there is plenty of options when it comes to soy sauce substitutes. But here we presented only best soy sauce substitutes that are healthy and tasty. If you run out of soy sauce, then try these below alternatives.

soy sauce substitute

Why is Soy Sauce Important?

No kitchen is complete without soy sauce. Soy sauce is a well-known salty condiment used for flavor enhancement in Asian dishes.

The soy sauce is added in most of the recipes to bring flavor and taste to the food items. This sauce is used in every kitchen and restaurant of Asian cuisine.

What is the Need for Soy Sauce Substitute?

This sauce is mostly used to add taste to the soups, snack items, and comfort foods. However, due to health issues, many people are looking for the alternative to soy sauce. Though it is difficult to find the soy sauce substitutes, there are few alternatives that can work better.

The key reason to avert adding soy into the food is due to its active ingredient soy. This sauce causes itching and allergy to kids and children. Undeniably, this is the most favorite sauce of many kids. They love to lick it raw without eating along with any finger foods.

Many people are avoiding or reducing the usage of this sauce since it contains gluten which is harmful to health and causes Celiac disease. In addition, it comprises of a high level of sodium which results in the increase of blood pressure.

If you do not have soy sauce stocked in your refrigerator or if you want to keep your body gluten free, then there are many substitutes available in place of soy. These sauces will also give the same savory taste of soy. Your taste buds will never miss the chance of tasting this sauce with these substitutions for soy sauce despite ditching soy sauce.

6 Best Soy Sauce Substitutes

What can you substitute for soy sauce? Few of the sauces that are used as the substitute for soy sauce include,

1. Tamari sauce

What happens when you don’t have soy sauce at home? Try this best soy sauce substitute.

This is the Japanese sauce! The taste and flavor are almost alike to that of soy sauce. This tamari substitute is mostly prepared in Japan and can be happily used in Asian cuisine. This is the excellent option available for the people who are health conscious and want to stay away from soy, but not its taste.

The color of this tamari substitute soy free is darker over the regular soy, but the taste would be similar. The key difference between both the sauces is that this is less or no wheat as an ingredient in it; therefore it is free from gluten.

You can happily enjoy every bite of your food by dipping in this sauce without worrying about your health getting deteriorated. However, prior to buying this sauce, you would need to get the wheat proportion used in the sauce on the label.

This Japanese soy sauce is made of an active ingredient called miso paste. This would improve the taste of your food when you dip any of the snack items into it without giving the harsh or strong taste of soy.

When you are preparing savory dishes, add a little salt to the sauce to enjoy the taste of the food completely. You can add Tamari sauce in substitute for soy sauce in a recipe where soy is mandatory. This will be a good substitute for soy sauce in stir fry.

2. Worcestershire sauce

Are you puzzled whether Worcestershire sauce is substituted for soy sauce?

Without a second thought, Worcestershire Sauce is the popular type of soy sauce substitute that can be found in the department stores and obviously, a healthy alternative to soy sauce.

You can use this sauce like soy sauce by adding a little amount of water. This gets diluted and gives the taste and flavor of soy.

To prepare soy sauce from this, you would need to add three tablespoons of this sauce and one tablespoon of water and stir the mixture well. If you want to taste of soy, then add only a little amount of water to keep it thick.

However, you would notice a slight difference in the taste to soy, since this sauce is power-packed with various ingredients like onion, extract of chili pepper, garlic, and vinegar. These ingredients are not added to soy sauce.

If you want to totally avoid eating soy sauce, then this would be the best alternative to running out of soy sauce. In fact, this sauce has its key ingredient as soy.

3. Coconut Aminos

Do you want a sweeter soy sauce substitute? Try this healthy Coconut Aminos as a substitute for soy sauce.

This is the healthy and tasty sauce that is used as a substitute for soy sauce. This is free from gluten and is made from coconut. This has less sodium over soy sauce and can be used as a complement with finger items to improve the taste of the food.

However, this sauce is pretty expensive over the other ones. However, the taste of this sauce is unbeatable and is little sweeter. People with a sweet tooth will definitely love to have this sauce every day in whatever food item they consume. This is the sodium free soy sauce recipe. If you are in need of homemade soy sauce substitutes, go for this one.

4. Maggi seasoning sauce

You can easily make a soy sauce substitute with the help of your kitchen ingredients. This Maggi Seasoning soy sauce replacement is mostly found in the European cuisines. In fact, this is used since ages to add flavor and taste to all dishes.

However, the company which manufactures this Maggi seasoning vs soy sauce will customize it as per the taste and flavor that is loved by the local people of the place. You can find both soy and wheat in this sauce.

The taste of this would be similar to soy sauce but is healthy. If you want to let your taste buds enjoy different flavored sauces, then you would need to add this sauce to your dining table to enjoy it with every savory item you have.

5. Red boat fish sauce

This soy sauce alternative is originated from Thailand and is mostly found in Asian cuisine. This is the best alternative to soy sauce and is healthy.

People do not need to worry about their health getting marred by having soy sauce instead replace soy sauce with red boat fish sauce. This is free from proteins and gluten.

However, this has a high amount of sodium equal to soy sauce. If you want to curtail sodium from your food, then this would not be an ideal option. Yes, this is the low sodium soy sauce substitute recipe.

6. Bragg Liquid Aminos

Another best soy sauce alternative is Bragg liquid aminos. This sauce is loaded with 320 milligrams of sodium and soy, but it would not pose any kind of serious health issue to the people having it regularly in their breakfast and snacks dipping in the savory items.

This is highly concentrated, gluten free and taste alike to that of soy sauce. This is prepared from pure soybeans and water. This comes in a spray bottle, thus let you sprinkle this lightly on your food items to add flavor.

In a Nutshell,

Looking for Soy sauce substitute? Due to the health issues most people would like to know is there any alternative to soy sauce? Even though the many soy sauce replacements are available, you have to choose the healthy alternatives from them. 1soy sauce has both advantages and disadvantages.

Thankfully, there is plenty of options when it comes to soy sauce substitutes. But here we presented only best soy sauce substitutes that are healthy and tasty. If you run out of soy sauce, then try these below alternatives. If you find yourself out of Soy sauce and need for a Soy sauce substitute, then try the above substitutes. Check out the heavy cream substitute, butter, and Baking soda alternatives.

The above are a few substitutes that you can use as replacement for soy sauce to avoid getting prone to allergies.

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