10 Yoga Positions To Help Lose Belly Fat

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Yoga can be considered as a routine to calm the mind and benefit mental health in the body.

Though it helps with mental health, it also brings about changes in the health and appearance of the body. Appearance, in the sense, it helps us to lose weight so that we look slimmer.

This article provides some basic yoga postures that would help get rid of the anxiety, confusion, etc, and help you get rid of fat accumulated in the body. Perform each of these poses and hold your breath for at least 15 – 20 secs in the beginning.

When you are practiced to do these poses, prolong your period of breath for a longer time. You can even hold your breath up to a minute. After performing the yoga on one side, do the same for the other side too.

10 Yoga Positions to Help Lose Belly Fat

1. Plank

When you are concentrating to reduce your belly, you can, of course, do the plank exercise. It strengthens the core muscles. It might look like an easy task but maintaining the plank position is too difficult and you would notice that your core muscles strain a lot.

Lie down on the floor facing downwards. Keep your feet together and raise the front portion of your body and balance it with both of your hands. Be in this position for at least a minute.

2. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana B)

Your thigh muscles and shoulder muscles can be toned and strengthened by this Warrior II pose.

To benefit highly from this pose, you must bend your knee so much to your front that your thigh is parallel to the floor. You should hold in this position for a longer time so that you can improve your muscles.

Calm down your mind and just inhale and exhale during this posture. This will boost your confidence level and bring about mental freeness. Repeat this pose on both sides for the same period.

3. Warrior III (Virabhadrasana C)

When you concentrate on your buttocks, rather than your shoulders and abs, do this Warrior III pose. Not only toning of muscles, but this asana also strengthens the back, leg and arm muscles.

Hold this position as shown in this picture. You must hold your breath tight for a longer period to benefit most from this asana. It helps you improve your balance and flattens your abs too.

You can now change the leg sides and perform the same posture for the same amount of time.

4. Triangle (Trikonasana)

The name comes because the posture seems to be a triangle. This asana will not make your belly shake or contract like some other complicated asanas but in due course, you can see that your belly reduces.

This asana involves twisting of your body which aids the digestion process and reduces fat deposits in the stomach region.

This asana engages muscles from the shoulders, legs and arms thus you can build your body muscles rather than fat.

5. Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Not just every part of the body, your whole body can be toned overall by this asana. This asana will help in building up your arms, legs, and thighs besides removing fat from your belly. It thus strengthens the whole body.

Stand in a straight position and bend your upper part of the body downwards towards the ground. Hold the ground with your hands and keep your hip in the air so that you make an inverted V.

Hold your body tightly and inhale and exhale. Hold in this position till you feel tired.

6. Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)

Lie down on the mat and keep your hands at your sides. Now, take your lower body till your chest into the air towards the ceiling. Keep your head still and hands still too. Now try to keep the lower body in the air for at least a minute.

This asana improves the digestion process; it is good therapy for the thyroid glands. It improves the balance of the body. It is very beneficial for the respiratory system, gives immense strength to the upper body, legs, and arms, reduces belly fat.

7. Bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

This seems easier but it is a tough pose. Lie down on your back. Bend your knees so that the legs are drawn towards your body. Rest your hands on your sides firmly.

Now, lift your core part upwards with your head on the floor such that your body is parallel with the floor. Hold in this position and breathe in and out constantly.

This pose is very good for the glutes and it brings about weight loss. It regulates the hormone metabolism. This pose massages your thyroid gland. This engages the buttocks and thigh muscles. It stretches the abs muscles too.

8. Twisted Chair (Parivrtta Utkatasana)

This asana is almost a squat. It looks different but it twists your abs thus pressing it.

Keep your feet together and bend your knees so that you come to a sitting posture. Join your hands together to make an ‘Anjali’ form. Twist your body and bring your right elbow over your left leg, maintaining the sitting posture.

This is good for your glutes and abs. Inhale and exhale as you maintain in your position. Repeat this for the other side too.

9. Bow (Dhanurasana)

Doing Dhanurasana would help you get rid of your belly fat in a faster rate. Lie on your stomach and stretch your legs above the ground.

Now raise your upper body too and try to hold your legs from behind so that you form a bow shape with your body. In this asana, you would lie flat on your stomach so that it gets strained too much.

This asana not only gives a gentle massage to the abdominal muscles but also gives great strength to your chest, abs, thighs, and arms.

10. Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskara)

We all know that the sun rays have a lot of energy that our body can cherish. The sun salutation is a great procedure that warms your muscles and keeps the blood flow in your nervous system healthily.

The sun salutations tone every muscle in the body and build internal heat which is extremely healthy.

This can trim the waist, tone the arms, regulate the whole metabolism and it keeps the digestive system healthy.

The above-said posture can keep your body weight in check. Though you do yoga every day, it should be kept in mind that a proper diet would aid in the weight reduction process. Practice yoga and have a healthy regular diet to get a great body.

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