Fire Up Your Metabolism with These 4-Minute Workouts

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Do you imagine a situation where you have to just work out for 5 minutes but you can lose immense weight? Strange right? But it is possible.

This article teaches you two routines, one without equipment and one with equipment Which you can do for just 5 minutes. These routines would burn a lot of fat and regularize the metabolism in your body.

These moves are done in a high-intensity way so that you burn a lot of calories in a few minutes. These exercises would make your cardiovascular muscles fit and healthy.

Try these exercises at home and you can notice that you lose a lot of weight without doing exercise for a longer period.

4-Minute Routine- Without Equipment

If you are a beginner then this routine is a great way to start your daily exercise. You can perform each exercise as far as you can do and leave a few seconds of rest in between.

When you are planning to do a repetition of this routine, then leave a minute of rest and start the next set.

1. Squat – 1 minute 

  1. Stand on your feet by keeping them shoulder – with apart.
  2. Push your hip outwards and lower your body to go to a sitting motion.
  3. Make the sitting posture as lower as possible so that your thighs are at least parallel to the ground.
  4. Make sure that you maintain a straight posture.
  5. Now, push your but upwards and come back to the original position.

 2. Close-Grip Pushups – ½ minute

This is a normal push up position which helps you to squeeze your abs tightly so that you burn fat.

  1. Lie on the floor facing downwards.
  2. Lift your body upwards and balance it with your palms.
  3. Make sure that your knees do not bend and touch the floor.
  4. Your body must be balanced only by your toes and palms.
  5. Now lower your whole body without losing balance and bend your elbow.
  6. Reach the floor so that your elbow is bent to the maximum.
  7. Come back to the original position.
  8. Repeat this for at least 30 seconds without taking any rest in between.

3. Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds

  1. Lie on the floor with your face towards the mat.
  2. Come to a push-up position.
  3. Balance your whole body’s weight in your toes and palms.
  4. Now lift your right leg inside and bring it near your chest.
  5. Bring his leg back to the original position.
  6. Now lift your left leg and crush your abdomen as before.
  7. Repeat this for at least 30 secs.

4. Walking Lunges – 30 seconds

  1. Stand straight with your foot together.
  2. Keep your hands at your sides on your hips.
  3. Now take your right leg and lunge in front of you.
  4. Your right thigh must be parallel to the floor.
  5. Bend your left leg so that your left knee meets the floor.
  6. Give a push and come back to the original position.
  7. Now swap the legs and repeat this.
  8. Do this for at least 30 seconds.

5. Jumping Jacks – 45 seconds

  1. Stand over your feet on the ground.
  2. Keep your body and back straight with your hands at your sides.
  3. Now jump high and land by spreading your legs apart.
  4. Make sure that your legs are wide apart.
  5. When you jump and land tale your hands above your head to reach the ceiling.
  6. Now jump and come back to the original position with your feet together and your hands at the sides.
  7. Repeat this routine for at least 45 seconds without rest.

4 – Minute Workout With Equipment

So far you have done the routine without equipment. Now we are going to take the help of equipment to perform the workouts. All you are supposed to have are a bench and a kettlebell. You must perform every move for a certain amount of time and take a few seconds of rest in between. When you want to repeat this set of moves for another time take at least 1-minute rest in between.

1. KB Swing – 1 minute 

  1. Stand on the floor and keep your foot a little wider than your shoulders.
  2. Now take a dumbbell or kettlebell and hold it in both the hands.
  3. Raise your hands in front of you so that the kettlebell is stretched in front of your eyes.
  4. Do not bend your elbows.
  5. Now swing the kettlebell downwards in between your legs while you bend your hip backward and com to almost a sitting position.
  6. Your body should be straight and the kettlebell should reach the maximum distance with your hands.
  7. Swing it again and bring the kettlebell to the starting position.
  8. Repeat this at a faster pace for about a minute.

2. Decline Pushups – 1 minute

We would have been familiar with the normal push-ups. Let us see what decline push-ups are.

  1. Take the position as if you are going to do pushups. The only difference is that you must rest your feet at a higher position over a bench or a stair.
  2. You must make sure that your body is straight starting from the heel to the head. Your backbone must never bend.
  3. Now, lower your upper body by bending your elbow as low as possible.
  4. Your face and chest must lower towards the ground and they must be only a few inches off the ground.
  5. Now give great pressure to your chest, shoulders, and back and push yourself upwards to reach the starting position.
  6. Lower again and repeat this move at least for a minute.

3. Walking Lunges – 1 minute

You needn’t jump for this move but it is a real calorie burner. You would find it difficult to do this exercise.

  1. Stand straight with your body straight and your feet together.
  2. Keep your hands at your sides on your hips.
  3. Now take your right leg and lunge in front of you.
  4. Your right thigh must be parallel to the floor.
  5. Bend your left leg so that your left knee meets the floor.
  6. Give a push and come back to the original position.
  7. Now swap the legs and repeat this.
  8. Do this for at least 30 seconds.

4. Burpees – 20 seconds 

  1. Stand by keeping your feet at shoulder distance apart.
  2. Now bend down to the ground to your hands and feet.
  3. Now, jump outwards to stretch the feet outside into a pushup position.
  4. Now again jump and come back to the crouching position.
  5. Now with all your might lift your body and jump.
  6. Land back in a crouching position.
  7. Repeat this procedure for 20 seconds. You can take a break and repeat this for another 20 seconds.

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