30-Day Squat Challenge That Can Help You Get the Butt of Your Dreams

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Squats are one of the best exercises for maintaining a rigid body. Besides maintaining the quads, glutes, and hamstrings, squats help us in balancing and mobility and also strengthen our body.

There is no precise number as to how many squats a person should do per day since it depends upon the goals of the individuals. It is better if you do 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions of any one kind of squat.

There are four kinds of squats mainly practiced by people. They are the following:

The Basic Squat

This is the most fundamental squat among others. When it is properly performed, it makes the largest muscles to work efficiently. It also improves the appearance of the body muscles. It is unique to note that squats would definitely help in rounding the butt.

  1. Stand on your feet and keep them apart with the width of the shoulder. Rest the arms at you sides.
  2. Brace your core, keep your chest up and the neck neutral. Now, bend the knees and push the hips back in a position such that you’re going to sit in a chair. Raise your arms such that they are parallel to the floor.
  3. When your thighs are parallel to the floor stop and the push up your heels till you get back to your starting position.

The Curtsy Squat

These curtsy squats will target the glutens in your body and you would feel refreshed. If you can do this squat comfortably at least up to 10 times, then you can try doing this with dumbbells in your hands.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. You should hold your arms in a comfortable position. Rest your hands on your hips or keep them down at your sides.
  2. Have a strong core, take a step back and across with your right foot until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Keep your chest and chin to stay straight throughout this movement.
  3. Stop for a few seconds, push upwards through the heel of the planted left foot and return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat this process by stepping back with the left foot instead. This forms one rep. Do this as many times as possible.

The Split Squat

This is a squat where one leg is isolated at a time from the other. You should be careful while doing this since you require more balance.

  1. Keep your right leg in front and your left leg behind.
  2. Keep your arms down at your sides. If you can, hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  3. Keep your chest up; bend your knees until your left knee almost touches the floor keeping your right thigh parallel to the floor. Make sure that your right knee doesn’t extend past your toes.
  4. Pause for some time and return to your starting position. This is the right-leg rep. Do the same with your leg positions switched for left-leg rep.

The Goblet Squat

  1. Grab the dumbbell by one end and allow the other end to hang seeing the floor by keeping your hands cupped.
  2. Keep your elbows bent and hold the dumbbell near your chest. Keep your legs wide apart.
  3. Now, bend the knees and push your hips back, keeping the dumbbell without movement. Keep your head in a straight position.
  4. Pause for some time, push through your heels and return to your starting position.

It is the dream for many women to improve their body shape but they cannot completely indulge in exercises. They wish to get rid of their extra pounds and to develop a perfect butt without having to spend much time in the gym. For such people, the squat is the best exercise and it is much effective in bringing about the changes desired by women.

Squats are indeed the best way to tighten the muscles of thighs and butt. They improve the blood circulation, reduce cellulite, improve the health condition, stamina and they make the muscles strong and flexible.

Squats improve coordination and metabolism of the body along with burning fats. The advantage of squats is that it is not required to have special equipment or plenty of space to do these.

Thirty-Day Butt Squat Challenge

The following 30-day butt challenge is the one desired for people who want a toned round butt. You can observe visible changes in the buttocks if you perform this exercise regularly and properly.

You can start this routine by performing the small number of repetitions and then you can increase regularly. It is important to rest for some time during squats to give the muscles some rest. When beginners follow this routine, the will find an astonishing improvement after the first month.

Get rid of your laziness and excuses and get to start with these exercises from today. Continue with uttermost will power and perseverance and you can observe visible changes.

  1. Day 1 – 50 squats.
  2. Day 2 – 55 squats.
  3. Day 3 – 60 squats.
  4. Day 4 – rest day.
  5. Day 5 – 70 squats.
  6. Day 6 – 75 squats.
  7. Day 7 – 80 squats.
  8. Day 8 – rest day.
  9. Day 9 – 100 squats.
  10. Day 10 – 105 squats.
  11. Day 11 – 110 squats.
  12. Day 12 – rest day.
  13. Day 13 – 130 squats.
  14. Day 14 – 135 squats.
  15. Day 15 – 140 squats.
  16. Day 16 – rest day.
  17. Day 17 – 150 squats.
  18. Day 18 – 155 squats.
  19. Day 19 – 160 squats.
  20. Day 20 – rest day.
  21. Day 21 – 180 squats.
  22. Day 22 – 185 squats.
  23. Day 23 – 190 squats.
  24. Day 24 – rest day.
  25. Day 25 – 220 squats.
  26. Day 26 – 225 squats.
  27. Day 27 – 230 squats.
  28. Day 28 – rest day.
  29. Day 29 – 240 squats.
  30. Day 30 – 250 squats.

All the best my dear women… Enjoy your squatting time and have a great body of your own… Happy squatting…

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