10 Best Core Workouts To Burn Side Fat Fast

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It is very difficult to get rid of the lower belly fat. You might want to reduce the fat just to fit yourself well in slimmer clothes, be away from diseases and discomfort, etc.

But when you try to reduce the belly fat, you could try the wrong methods and end up in a bad shape. In this article, we are going to find whether belly-reducing exercises give the best results or not.

The biggest truth about the abs exercise is that it would consume a lot of time to reduce fat. The second point is that you should try to regulate your diet plan such that it would go well with the exercise that you do. In short, you should avoid focusing just on your love handles and muffin tops to reduce bellies and overall body fat.

When you concentrate on one single problem of your body, it ends up messing the whole plan. Especially, since the process of reducing the bellies are slow and less effective, you would get fed up with the whole process. The truth is that when you focus your whole body on losing weight, then you might see results.

Your body is more to you than to fit a pair of jeans, so just take care of the whole body.

workouts to Burn Side Fat

As far as exercises are concerned, you would have tried cardio, exercises that include dumbbells, etc but you would have noticed that your side fat hasn’t budged to move.

The commonly called love handles are an indication of poor maintenance of body health. This article provides 10 exercises to shed your love handles.

This exercise will be greatly productive since it targets the rectus abdominals as well as transverse abdominals. To burn fat, it is needed to work out more than just crunches and situps.

10 Best Core Workouts to Burn Side Fat Fast

These exercises are prescribed to be done once in a week, by experts. But all the other days, you will have to go on with your regular belly-flattening exercises.

Also, you can very well opt for high-intensity interval training at least three times a week. It is also important to stick to a fat-free diet.

1. Sledgehammer Overhead Strikes

Hold the sledgehammer by placing your left hand at the bottom and your right hand just near the hammer. Raise the sledgehammer over your right shoulder just above your head.

Now, bring it down at the center of a tire, just in the fashion of chopping wood. Switch the sides of the hands and repeat the same. Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions each.

2. Running Planks

This is a plank exercise. Do it with your face down on the mat and your feet kept together.

Now, lift the hip from the ground and rest the whole of your body on the forearms and toes, while keeping your spine straight. Do 4 sets of 30 repetitions each.

3. Deadlift

Use the bar to stand with the center of your feet. You should stand in such a way that your posture is narrow than the width of your shoulders.

Now, grab the bar over your hand and bend your knees such that the shins touch the bar. Now, keep the shoulders directly over the bar. Now pull the bar keeping it close to the body, roll the same on your thighs and knees to lock your knees and hip. Do 4 sets of 10 – 15 repetitions each.

4. Hanging Leg Raises

The hangover the bar tightly. Keep your abs and lats flexible. Now, raise the feet just near the bar. Remember to keep the legs in a straight manner. Do 4 sets of 20 repetitions each.

5. Battle Rope Waves


Stand by keeping your feet at a distance of your hip. Bend your knees and hip slightly such that your core body is locked. Now, take the rope in your hands and hang your hands in the middle of your torso.

Now come to as half-squat position. Now, release your hips, knees, and your hands by swaying the ropes alternately over your head.

Then return to the starting position and repeat the same procedure. Do 4 sets of 30-sec repetitions each with 30 rest time.

6. Russian Twists

Sit down over the floor, bend your knees such that your feet touch the ground. Stretch your arms before you while holding a weight. Now, bend your upper body such that it makes 45 degrees with the ground.

Rotate the arms from one side to the other, thus twisting the upper body. Be stern that you should not move your feet. Do 4 sets of 15 repetitions each.

7. Box Jumps

Keep your feet in the distance of your shoulders and stand in an athletic position. Be at a good distance from the box. Jump to a good height and then return to a quick squat.

Now, bring your hips straight and swing the arms. Meanwhile, push your feet so that you enter the ball. Do 4 sets of 20 repetitions each.

8. Kettlebell Swing

Stand in a straight posture by keeping the feet at a distance equaling the hip. Stretch your arms to grab the handles. Keep the holding arms facing downwards.

Bend yourself in such a way that your hip is moved backward, your knees bend, but your hands are still on the handles.

Do not sit too low. Now, with immense force, move your hip to the front at the same time, swing the kettlebell. Do 4 sets of 20 repetitions each.

9. Kneeling Vacuum

Kneel on the floor, sit over your bent heels. Keep your hands on the sides of the legs. Pull the shoulders backside and your abs towards the inner side.

Hold your breath for at least 20 seconds and maintain the posture for 1 or 2 seconds. Now, release the breath and repeat this for more time. Do 1 set of 60 repetitions each.

10. Jumping Burpee

Stand on your feet keeping them together. Bend your waist and knees and touch the ground. Keep your palms on the ground and bring your feet back so that you come into a plank position.

Again kick your feet inwards, stand up and jump to a higher height. Land on the feet. Do 4 sets of 15 repetitions each.

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