How to get rid of ringworm fast? Here I listed 13 best home remedies for ringworm. I covered detailed view of how you get ringworm, causes, its signs, symptoms, how to cure it naturally at home, antifungal creams and prevention methods.
Ringworm is one of the common fungal infections. It is medically termed as Dermatophytosis or Tinea. Ringworm can be an inconvenience and uncomfortable for you.
There is a misconception that, Ringworm infection is caused by a worm. But this not caused by a worm. You can get ringworm only by the fungus. It affects both humans and animals. Mostly it affects all parts of your skin such as the face, finger, foot, groin, neck, scalp, hands, arms, legs, beard, and other parts.
Usually, it creates red patches on the infected area, after that it spreads all over your skin. It feeds on keratin (a material found in outermost part of the skin) and grow well.
But before you know about how to get rid of ringworm, you have to stop scratching the affected areas of your skin. Since this prevents the spreading of ringworm. This is the initial step you have to treating ringworm and recover faster. If you control scratching, you can get cure from home remedies within a weeks’ time.
If you need the instant remedy, then get this Clotrimazole Anti-Fungal Cream to treat ringworm rashes. This cream will cure your ringworm within days. This is the only one cheap and best cream I suggest for you!
The another best preventive method is to use separate bath soaps. Don’t share your soaps with others. You can try this Antifungal face wash and Antifungal Soaps to cure ringworm. Okay! Let’s see how to get rid of ringworm fast with home remedies!

What Causes Ringworm?
Ringworm is caused by a different species of fungi. They live on the top layer of the skin and scalp. They grow well in the moist places, locker rooms, tanning beds and in skin folds. Ringworm is contagious.
The different species of fungi that causes Ringworm are as follows,
- Tinea barbae– A fungi that cause infection on facial hair or Beard
- Tinea capitis– A fungi that cause infection on scalp and hair
- Tinea corporis– A fungi that cause infection on arms and legs.
- Tinea cruris – A fungi that cause infection on groin (commonly called as Jock Itch).
- Tinea faciei– A fungi that cause infection on the face.
- Tinea manuum– A fungi that cause infection on the hands and palm.
- Tinea pedis– A fungi that cause infection on the feet (commonly called as athlete’s foot).
- Tinea unguium– A fungi that cause infection on the fingernails and toenails.
How do you get Ringworm?
Are you thinking about how do you contract ringworm? You can get ringworm primarily by skin contacts and sharing things. Here are the possible ways to get ringworm.
- Direct Skin-to-skin contacts with a human or an animal.
- Sharing clothes, bed linen, combs, hair brushes, and soaps.
- Playing in the dirt (rare cases).
Symptoms of Ringworm Infection
The possible symptoms of ringworm are as follows,
- Ring-shaped red patches on your skin.
- Itching.
- Skin rashes.
- Patches of missing hair (commonly in pets).
What does ringworm look like?
Usually, ringworm creates red patches on the infected area, after that it spreads all over your skin. It feeds on keratin (a material found in outermost part of the skin) and grow well. Check the above image for clear identification.
As the fungus grows, the ringworms get larger, ranging in size from a few millimeters to a few centimeters. Mostly it affects all parts of your skin such as the face, finger, foot, groin, neck, scalp, hands, arms, legs, beard, and other parts.
Is ringworm contagious?
Yes, the ringworm is highly contagious. You can get ringworm primarily by skin contacts and sharing things.
How long does the ringworm contagious?
Ringworm is contagious as long as sores are present. It stops being contagious about 30-48 hours after treatment begins.
Ringworm on Baby
I strongly suggest you to use Anti-Fungal Cream to treat ringworms on babies. This cream will cure your baby’s ringworm within days. The home remedies may take some time to cure the ringworms and that is not ideal for babies.
The home remedies may take some time to cure the ringworms and that is not ideal for babies. So for babies anti-fungal cream is the best and safest way. But follow the instructions on the package before applying on the skin. If you see many ringworm patches, then contact your doctor to get a complete remedy.
How to prevent Ringworm?
The proper cleaning methods and avoid sharing things are the best ways to prevent ringworms.
- Avoid sharing personal things.
- Avoid scratching the affected areas of your skin to prevent its spreading.
- Clean and dry your skin regularly.
- Wash your clothes and mattress often.
- Keep the living areas of your pet clean.
- Always wear slippers in the public bathing areas.
- Always wear loose-fitting cotton clothes.
- Take bath after every sport.
How to Get Rid of Ringworm Fast? 13 Home Remedies
Don’t worry if you got ringworm. Here I gave you the detailed home remedies for ringworm.
But before you know about how to get rid of ringworm, you have to stop scratching the affected areas of your skin. Since this prevents the spreading of ringworm. This is the initial step you have to take to control it and recover faster. If you control scratching, you can get cure from home remedies within a weeks’ time.
But If you need the instant remedy, then get this Clotrimazole Anti-Fungal Cream to treat ringworm rashes. This cream will cure your ringworm within days. This is the only one cheap and best cream I suggest for you!
The another best preventive method is to use separate bath soaps. Don’t share your soaps with others. You can try this Antifungal face wash and Antifungal Soaps to cure ringworm. Okay! Let’s see how to get rid of ringworm fast with home remedies!
1. Garlic
Garlic is one of the best home remedies for skin infections. It is the best natural cure for ringworm.
Garlic is filled with a chemical compound called Ajoene.
Ajoene has antibacterial and antifungal properties. This compound suppresses the growth of the ringworm causing fungus and cures your skin.
- Crush 2 Garlic cloves
- Rub it on the infected skin and leave it on for 30 minutes.
- Wash your skin with warm water
- Follow this procedure 2-4 times per day.
2. Tea Tree Oil for Ringworm
Tea Tree Oil is used in various skin care products and natural ringworm treatment. It is used as an effective remedy for skin infections such as acne, pimples, ringworms, lice, dandruff, and herpes.
Tea Tree oil has an excellent antifungal and antiseptic properties to cure ringworm.
- Clean your infected area with water and make it dry.
- Now pour 2-3 drops of pure tea tree oil and dab it with a cotton swab.
- Leave it on for a while.
Note: Pure tea tree oil may cause skin irritation (depends on your skin type). If irritation occurs, clean that area with water and apply dilutes tea tree oil. You can mix the equal amount water to dilute tea tree oil.
Due to its antifungal properties, almost all the market leading ringworm products using tea tree oil as an essential ingredient. You can try this Antifungal Soaps and face washes made up of Tea Tree Oil for the fast healing process.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
If you ask me how to cure ringworm at home fast? I will answer you to try Apple Cider Vinegar. It is good in antifungal and acidic properties. Both of these properties can effectively fight against fungi.
Before applying Apple Cider Vinegar in the infected area, just apply 2 drops in a normal skin to test the sensitivity. If you get any burning sensation, then you should use the diluted apple cider vinegar.
- Apply 2-3 drops of apple cider vinegar in an infected area.
- Gently dab it with the cotton swab.
- Leave it on for 15 minutes and clean your skin with warm water.
- Repeat this process twice per day to get rid of ringworm.
4. Neem
As per Ayurveda Medicine, Neem is one of the important herbs to treat all kind of skin problems. It is used to treat skin infections from the olden days. Every part of this tree has some medicinal value.
It is the essential herb in India to treat many kinds of diseases. It is proven scientifically that Neem is good for many diseases. Neem has antifungal and antibacterial properties. The excellent healing property of the Neem can treat the ringworm and heal it faster.
- Crush the fresh neem leaves and get its juice (Or) Take 2 spoons of neem powder and mix it with few drops of water to make a paste. (Or) Use 2-4 teaspoons of Neem Oil.
- Apply neem on the infected area.
- Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash your skin with warm water.
- Repeat this procedure twice per day.
5. Turmeric for Ringworm
How to get rid of ringworm without the Queen of Herbs? Turmeric is one of the best treatments for ringworm.
It is one of the powerful remedies to treat skin infections in Ayurveda medicines. It has antifungal, antibacterial and antibiotic properties. Turmeric is noted for its important function “accelerating the healing process”.
Extract the juice from the raw turmeric (Or) Take a teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix it with few drops of water to make a paste. (Or) Use 2 teaspoons of Turmeric Oil
- Apply Turmeric on the infected skin area.
- Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash your skin with warm water.
- Repeat this procedure twice per day.
Note: Turmeric may cause skin irritation, due to its chemical properties. No harm in it. So no need to worry about its minor irritation.
6. Aloe Vera
This herb is used in most skin care products. It is famous around the world. So there is no need to explain its properties. It can heal your ringworm infection, reduces it severity and vanishes completely.
- Take one Aloe Vera leaf.
- Crush it and squeeze its juice.
- Apply the juice on your infected skin before going to bed.
- Wash your skin with warm water in the next day morning.
- Repeat this for 3-4 days to get rid of ringworms completely.
7. Coconut Oil for Ringworm
Coconut oil is loaded with Lauric Acid. This Lauric acid has a lot of Antimicrobial properties.
Lauric acids weaken the fungi’s protection barrier and kill them completely. So you can easily get rid of ringworms. Further coconut oil is effective in treating ringworms at your scalp.
- Apply 3-4 drops of coconut oil on the ringworm infected skin areas.
- Gently wipe it around the infection.
- Repeat this twice per day.
8. Raw Papaya to Treat Ringworm
The compounds such as papain and chymopapain presents in papaya are helpful in treating ringworms. These compounds destroy the defense shields of the fungus and make them weakens.
Usually, papaya removes the old dead skin cells (with the help of papain and chymopapain) in the outermost layer of the skin, where the fungi stay in your body. So papaya will do a good job in treating ringworm naturally.
- Take few slices of raw papaya.
- Gently rub it on the infected places.
- Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash your skin with fresh water.
Note: Don’t use the same papaya slices for all infected places. Use separate slices for every infected place to avoid further infection.
9. Lemongrass
It has antifungal, astringent, antipyretic, analgesic and antiseptic properties. It smoothens the infection and relieves you from itching. It is widely used in Ayurveda medicine. You can also consume lemongrass tea for better relief.
- Grind the lemongrass leaves. (Or) You can use Lemongrass Oil
- Mix few drops of olive oil to make a paste.
- Now apply this paste to the infected skin.
- Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash it with warm water.
- Repeat this procedure 3 times per day.
10. Olive Oil
Olive Oil has excellent antifungal properties and it is one of the best natural cures for ringworm. It kills the fungus that causes ringworm and boosts your recovery process.
- Apply 2-3 drops of olive oil in the infected area
- Gently dab it with a clean cotton swap.
- Leave it on for 20-30 minutes
- Repeat this 4 times per day to get complete relief from ringworms.
11. Myrrh to heal Ringworm
Myrrh is an aromatic resin obtained from thorny trees. It is used by the ancient Egyptians to cure skin infections. It also has antifungal and antiseptic properties to remove the ringworm causing fungus.
- Take a ½ cup of water.
- Add 10 drops of Myrrh oil in it.
- Stir it well and apply this mixture on the ringworm infected areas.
- Apply 3-4 times per day to get rid of ringworm instantly.
12. Oregano Oil
It has antiviral, antifungal and anti-parasitic properties to fight against the ringworm causing fungus. More than half of the percentage of oregano oil contains thymol. This is good to treat ringworms.
- Take 5-10 drops of Oregano Oil
- Add 5-10 drops of coconut oil (equivalent to oregano oil).
- Stir it well.
- Apply this mixture in the ringworm infected skin area.
- Repeat this 3 times per day to heal the ringworm.
13. Goldenseal
It is an excellent herb and acts as a natural antibiotic. It fights against the fungus and controls the rashes and itches. Thereby it prevents the spreading of ringworms to a greater extent.
- Pour 4-5 goldenseal leaves in a cup of water.
- Boil it for 10 minutes.
- Then apply this water to the infected area.
You can also take 3 teaspoons of dried goldenseal powder. Boil it and apply the water to the infected area. Else use the Goldenseal oil to treat the ringworm.
Treatment For Ringworm
As I said earlier, if you want the instant remedy, then get this cheap and best Clotrimazole Anti-Fungal Cream to get rid of ringworms.
The another best method is to use separate bath soaps. You can try this Antifungal face wash and Antifungal Soaps to cure ringworm.
We already covered the other skin problems such as acne and other blemishes, oily skin, dry skin problems, sunburn and pressure sores. Have a look at it, if you have any problems.
Hope I clarified about how to get rid of ringworm. Follow these home remedies to treat ringworm rashes and get cure from it. The natural ringworm treatment gives you better results at the earlier stages and for later stages use antifungal creams to heal the ringworms.
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